Entry 5

17 10 7

Oliver was in the kitchen as usual. He was humming to himself, waiting for the cupcakes in the oven, to finish baking.

Once finished he took them out, and decorated them. They were covered in sprinkles, different colored frosting on a few. One group being dark pink, another red, and another purple. He separated the different colored cupcakes into different boxes.

One labeled, Ashlynn. Another labeled Maddie. The last box being labeled Francesca.

"Who's Ashlynn, Maddie, and Francesca, Mr. Oliver?"

The Brit looked towards you, "What do you mean who are they? You should know! My dear friends! And what do you mean Mr. Oliver? Is something wrong with your head dear?"

You blinked, "What?"

'Oliver' looked different..

"My name is Olivia Kirkland, and I'll have you know I am no man!"

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