Chpt 1: Chained

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A/N: Dedicated to shadownmoon_panther and Robyn8564 for commenting on Prologue.


Hoover Dam - Year Unknown

The buzz of the locked door woke her. Silver eyes opening as the light shone through the cracks and two sets of military-style black boots came into view. Chains rattled as she curled further into a ball, claws sharpening and fists clenching, drawing blood that dripped on the floor.

The jingle of the keys had her silver eyes flickering up. The only thing visible through the curtain of her white hair as one guard kneeled to unlock the shackles and the other pointed the rifle he carried at her head. The click of the barrel causing her senses to sharpen and her blurry vision to focus. She heard a click as the guard stood up backing up enough to mutter something to his colleague. There was a sound of confirmation before the second guard was walking behind her. She closed her eyes as they both leaned down to grab her arms.


Bright fluorescent lights shone down from the ceiling. A viewing area above stretched from one corner of the room to the other, made for seating multiple people at a time. Metal walls stretched as wide as a football field with machines lining every inch and cables stretching from them to the large machine above. Connected to the machine was an operating table in the middle of the room. On that table lay the silver-eyed creature from the cell, limbs stretched wide and strapped down with a matching choker around her neck that beeped every eight seconds along with a blue light.

Empty silver eyes stared at the bright lights above, a million and one thoughts running through them. Elven pointed ears twitched as a door shut and a lock clicked. She turned her head enhanced sight easily making out the figures standing behind the dark glass of the room above. Her hands clenched, black nails scraping against the metal table sending up fine particles of iron dust. Once upon a time she'd been able to break her bonds now, however, there was a different energy coursing through her veins, one that was not her own. She turned her head once more, colorless locks spilling over the table to cover the surrounding floor and resumed staring at the lights. Before she would've let her thoughts devour her mind but there was no point. No amount of self-pity would fix her situation. Instead, there was only blank indifference.

"Begin the energy transfer."

The overhead voice above was one she would remember for eternity. The long cables of the machine had been attached to every inch of her body, inserted with small thin needles and secured with a lock. She breathed deeply and silently as the cables hummed. There was a crackle of energy as the humming got louder and the machine lowered above her. It began glowing and suddenly it fired.

"Forgive me."

Domine screamed.


Hoover Dam 2007

Sirens wailed, along with them lights flashed and yells pierced the air. A shadow moved from her spot in the corner. Silver eyes glittered ominously and Domine rose from her seated position, knee-length dress swaying with every step her bare feet took until she reached the glass window. Her new cell sat perched in the highest corner giving her the perfect view of the enormous ancient cube below.

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