Fans Ask Questions About Your Relationship In A Q/A Video Nash Imagine

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" Hey, so many of you guys have been asking questions about (y/n) and I's relationship on twitter and instragram. So, I thought what better to do than to just answer all you guy's questions in one whole video." 

" Okay, so let's get started." 

Q: What do you like best about (y/n)?

A: " I liked that even when I'm down she could always cheer me up. (Y/n) pretty funny, even when she tries not to be. I like (y/n) personality. Her humor was what I first noticed about her, besides her laugh." 

Q: How'd you guys meet?

A: " We met at some local fair, I forgot which one. Yeah, but anyways, Hayes, Cam and I decided to check it out, and I met a really funny, smart, and beautiful girl that I never knew would turn out to be not just only 'the girl' but she's 'my girl'. "

Q: Will you and (y/n) ever do the "my girlfriend tag"?

A: " Hmmm, I like this question. Yeah, I guess in the future we will."

Q: Is it hard being in a long distance relationship?

A: " It was a little confusing at first, but when you love someone you'll try anything just to see them, If you get what I mean. (*winkwink* JK) Yeah, but I mean we visit each other form time to time, like on tour mostly. I guess it's easier for me since the online school and everything, but we try our best overall." 

Q: Nash! Why are your eyes so blue?

A: "Um, this isn't really a question that relates to this whats-soever, but to answer your question, a colorful unicorn came to me as a baby and put too many blue into my heart, which made my eyes blue, and everything else too. Sometimes my tongue turns blue, and lights up at night, only if you believe in the unicorn though." 

" Okay, so the last question is...."

Q: Are you and (y/n) in love?"

A: " To answer this question nice, sweet, and short..Yes, I'm in love with my bae!" 


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