Chapter 13

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OH MY GOD!!!!! 104K+ reads!!!! I love you guys so much!! I totally appreciate the constant support that you haven shown!! And I know that this update is way too due, so without any further ado here's the next chapter!! Hope you like it!! Enjoy!!

Wait! I am an independent woman and I will not let this totally hot guy, that I just met, dictate the terms of my life - where I go , who I talk to,etc. So you have finally regained your senses??Must have lost your brain when this guy was tongue fucking you! My mind sneered back at me. So I tried again, calmly this time and a whole lot more patient.

"I just wanted to say that I have just met you but have known Jace for a whole lot longer period of time. So I cannot and will not tolerate your opinions that you have thrust on me regarding the relationship I have with Jace. Just know this that he is my best friend and one of the most important people in my life and I expect you to respect this and not ask me to not even take his name in front of you. And as for the gala it will be my final decision whether I want to attend or not. And can you please tone down the possessiveness. You don't own me and shit. Just so that we're clear." I was panting after the rant which may or may not have turned Alexander into stone.

"Fuck! Babe, I have to say that you look even more hot when you are angry! And here I thought you couldn't have possibly looked sexier and beautiful! Your cheeks are flushed red and soft and your green eyes shine brightly like diamonds. But I am gonna try put this look on minus the anger on you forever."  His voice was a husky murmur while he softly ran his fingers on my cheek and I flushed even more.

But he wasn't done and then his tone turned to steel. "And as for the owning shit, you are the one who owns me, not the other way around. And I know my possessiveness might be a little bit overwhelming but this is the first time in my life that I have ever felt something so very strong  that I cannot help but feel. This is all of me and all I want is all of you. Might sound cheesy but it is 100% true! And all this comes straight from my heart. I want you to get to know the real me that no one has any idea about. And if it means losing myself completely to you and being at your mercy then so be it. But the one thing I won't tolerate is you saying that you're not mine. And I am going to work on it and make you fall completely with me as I have with you. But make no mistake, any guy that gets too close to you is going to get the kind of treatment that will scare even the devil. And as for Jace I am going to take your word about your relationship and that guy better not have any feelings other than platonic ones."I think i just melted into a pile of goo. Can this guy be anymore sweet and sexy at the same time? When has a guy ever looked at me like that? Strike that, Alexander is a man, pure male perfection. 

"Of course he doesn't like me in any way but like a best friend. You have an overactive imagination, Sir". I added the last part just to tease him but the look he gave me made me rethink. How much power do I actually have over this powerful and oh-so handsome man? I just really hope I am not way over my head. Because I have a feeling that whatever we have between us can either make me or break me. I just really hope its not the latter.

"Don't baby. I don't have an ounce of control left in me so please don't tease me, unless you want to face the consequences. I am like a caged tiger waiting to pounce at the delicious food served to me. So please Athena do not test me, not now. And if you don't want to go to the gala then we won't. I am anyways bored of the same people talking the same shit over and over again." He made a fake pained face at that with a slight pout that looked too hot on him, that I couldn't help but giggle at. This seemed to put him in a trance and then he spoke with his voice laden with desire.

"I am going to do everything in my power to keep that look on your face and just to listen to that beautiful sound again." I gaped at him, like one of those open-mouthed fish-like pose and I just cannot seem to control my jaw. "Alexander you have to stop saying such stuff. It just-" He cut me off albeit not rudely. "Athena baby, I am just telling you stuff like it is, uncensored. And I want you to be completely true with me. And if you don't like me or anything, just say the word, I will fight to win you over again and again and maybe one day you will the same for me."

"I am completely at loss of words Alexander. But I know that we definitely have something powerful and I wanna give us a try. But you are not allowed to railroad this. We can go to the gala and test this out but I don't want to make anything official just yet. I want to take this slow and one step at a time."

"Okay baby we will go at the pace that you want but I am not going to hold myself back from you, ever. And just hope that you'd do the same. Since we have all this sorted let's go have lunch and let me treat my girl to a much deserved lunch for her prestigious win today."The pride in his eyes was palpable and gave me an ego boost. He gently tucked my hand in his and seated m where the brunch was served.

The table was full of assortments and delicious smelling food. There were all sorts of sandwiches , pastries and a tub filled with ice which had a very expensive looking wine bottle placed inside. He poured the wine into the glasses. The red wine had a tangy aroma and when I tried it along with the sandwich, there was a burst of flavor inside my mouth. And then I moaned, out loud. I covered my mouth embarrassed and ducked my head to avoid his gaze.  This guy really had shit ton of money to blow. 

Suddenly  Alexander stood brought over his chair and placed it exactly next to mine. He looked determined like a man on a mission."I didn't like the distance."He said with a casual shrug."Keep moaning and you will find yourself on the ground naked with me devouring you like the tastiest treat that you are. And anyways if it were up to me you would always be seated on my lap and nowhere else preferably with nothing on."I choked on the food due to his proclamation.

"At least don't say something like this while I am eating."He rubbed his hands softly down my back to prevent me from further cough fits."Baby you better get used to this because when I finally have my way with and I will, you won't be able to even walk rather speak." Fuck, this guy is going to be the death of me.

Another chapter done! And sorry again for being a lazy ass and not updating soon! But from now on weekly and consistent updates on Fridays. *YAY ME!!* Love to all!

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