My Condolences.

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You can take all your condolences
And all of your roses
And all your "I'm sorry"s
And shove them where the sun doesn't shine

Because I need you to understand this:
This is not the time
To pity
Should be mourning

The whole world should be mourning,
Because it has been robbed of a man
That had stories to tell.
Stories that you will never hear.
You- yes, you- should be mourning
Because you will never hear the story
Of the day he caught his nose on a fence
Or the day his brother woke up to a snake hanging from the ceiling
Or the day he was out logging
And a tree fell on his hard hat,
Cracked it in half,
And messed up his back for life.
You will never get to sit on the front porch
And listen to him
About what it was like on a submarine
Or how uncomfortable the uniforms were
Or the old dogs he used to have
Or how many snakes he's met.

Because on August 24th,
The world
Was robbed
Of that man.
The world
Should all be mourning.

You should be mourning
Because you never got to see him speak passionately about something
He's already told you,
But he might as well not have
Because so many details have changed.
You never got to hear him sing
Old songs
When he was happy,
And you never got to see him smile
When the family dog
Walked into his room one day.
You never got to hear him laugh
Over the silliest jokes,
You never got to hear him speak,
You never got to see
This example
Of a man
Who is so

You should be mourning.
Yes, I am too,
But really
It feels like everyone should be getting flowers.
And to you,
I am so

I am so
That you didn't
Get to meet
My father.

And I am so,
So sorry
That you never will.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2017 ⏰

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