Chapter 1

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I really must commend hero society. They work so hard to show us that they can be trusted. That they are the best and we should put all of our faith into them. They're so noble and humble. All they want to do is help us.

What a load of bullshit. They do it to be able to have the fame, the absolute devotion of the public. They're all just a bunch of self centered assholes. Sure, sometimes they do good and save people in need. But in all my years of recovery-

"Tuna, you're spilling your oatmeal." I looked down at my hand and felt the hot oatmeal on my skin, "Sorry I got lost in thought.."

"Just try and look a little more alive today. We've got to head to UA." I tilted my head at my white haired teacher, "We never go to UA unless it's absolutely necessary." He sighed, "Look kid, I was supposed to get a little more time but it looks like they're going to start bringing me more students." I could hear the stress in his voice as he explained to me the situation.

"Okay old man, I'll hurry then." He turned to look at me and raised his eyebrow, "...right, right, I got it General. Don't call you old man today." The said man gave me a soft smile before going back to getting ready.

I hastily finished my oatmeal and went to change into my uniform. It was similar to UA's, only I have a cuff on my sleeve with the letter "D". I've gotta blend in but make sure everyone still knows who I am. It's for the staff to feel better or something. As far as I'm concerned they're all just a bunch of models teaching kids my age.

Before I left my room I made sure to grab. my mask, the ones that people are supposed to wear when they're sick. "Come on Tuna, we'll miss the train!" General called out from the front door. "I'm here, I'm here," I replied as I reached the door. General have me a strained smile before nodding and opening the door.


As we walked into the gates of UA I could feel how different the air was. There was so much hope and drive in the air around the physical school. It was almost inspiring. key word being almost. If I didn't know the system I'd say it was noble of these kids, especially the ones in the hero courses.

"Remember not to say your real name around your new classmate," General reminded me as we entered the school and headed to the office. "I got it. And only address principle Nezu if he talks to me first." I added on, going over the rules for when I'm in this damn school. General looked over at me and smiled, "Thanks kid." His white hair was tied into a bun, his bangs canvasing his face. General was always too kind. Too nice to me. I kept quiet and nodded in response to his gratitude.

General knocked on the office door, "Come in!" General opened the door and allowed me to walk in first. "Ah! General! It's so great you're here!" Nezu said as he hopped off his chair and walked closer to my white haired teacher.

"Please, come sit with me," Nezu said to General as he guided the taller man towards a sitting area in his office. I stayed in my place trying to stay completely still, I knew what was coming. "Say General, aren't they supposed to be wearing handcuffs?" Nezu mentioned as he took a seat. General gave a strained smile, "Sir, I'm trying to give her more of my trust. You see it's the only way she'll learn to also trust me. I really only put them on when she has to go to government meetings and-"

Nezu cut him off sharply, "Well just tell me you still have a way to monitor them. After all the student you're getting today will have to have handcuffs." General nodded nervously and went on to explain. "Y-Yes of course! I've had my team develop microchips that help monitor quirk activity. The chips are implanted into jewelery, such as the earrings Tuna has on now. Not to mention the fact that with new technology were allowed to send wavelengths out that induce heavy migranes-" He rambled on for a little longer before stopping.

"In conclusion sir, they're under control and I know every move they make," General said as he rubbed his hands together. Nezu nodded with a smile on his tiny furry face, "Very well, good work General. Do you mind showing me how the wavelengths will affect the student?"

He wanted an example? For me to be used as a guinea pig? There's no way this man- furry- animal thing likes me! Or any other human for that matter.

General waved me over and I took my place next to him. He gave me a sorry look before giving a soft sigh and nodding. That was the sign to activate my quirk, I only attempted to take out a small bone when my head started to hammer. "Holy shit-" I slipped out as I crouched to the floor.

My head felt like it was being cracked open. I could feel the pain in my spine and it hurt to breath. Closing my eyes and clenching my teeth I did my best to show Nezu that this shit fucking hurt. It was one of the worst pains I had ever felt. My whole body was going to hurt after this. I started to gasp for air as General rammed up the pain.

"That's enough now, thank you General." Nezu said, I could hear the slightly impressed smile that was lathered across his furry face. General immediately stopped and my pain went away. I didn't even want to get up but I knew I had to get up as someone knocked on the door.

"Come in!" The furry little rat shouted out. The door opened to reveal a busty woman with wild black hair, dressed in a skintight suit.  Next to her, in handcuffs, was a girl half a head shorter than her. She had curly brown hair and was dressed in baggy clothing, concealing her figure.

"I've brought her, now what?" The dark haired woman said, the brown haired girl looked around to lock eyes with me. They were red, almost like an apple. Or like a ripe strawberry.

"Meet your newest student General!" Nezu chuckled out.

yuh yuh, get into iittt. I'll updated soon ig. sorry if this is messy asf 🧍

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