Part Four

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“Halt. Come no further.” Birch commanded from atop her rock.

“You who has entered our sacred land. You who has committed dark magic in this forest of light. You dare command me? You have the audacity to order me. You overstep your bounds, Angel.” A fairie said from the tall grass.

“Tread carefully, Fairie.” She said Fairie as if it was poison.

“Birch? What is that?”

“Quiet Casey, stay back.”

The Fairie turned and flew back into the forest.

Fairies in the forest? Fairies left this land, Eons ago. They left, what are they doing back here? This is impossible. No, not impossible, just improbable. How did they come back? Birch thought to herself, having a mental dialogue.

The Fairie stepped out of the shadows once more.

“Leave.” It commanded.

“How are you here? The fairies left this land long ago.” Birch asked completely ignoring the fairie.

“We did not leave, you ignorant angel. We just moved. The land which we had possessed was poisoned. The demons came in and took what we had. You, of all people, should know that. You let them in. You did this to us. Now leave, or find yourself covered head to toe with arrows. You have been warned.” The Fairie said while melting back into the tall grass.

“Wait,” Birch called, “we just need to pass through the forest. We will not be staying long. After reaching the far end we will leave you in peace. Please, it’s the fastest way to the Islands.” Birch pleaded.

“If you’re going to the Islands then that must mean you have a human. I’ve never seen a human before. None of us have.” The Fairie said to himself.

“Us?” Birch said, suddenly worried.

“Yes, us. You really think I would engage an angel in conversation without backup? How insanely naive.”

“Watch your mouth Fairie.”

“I fear, Angel, we have gotten off on the wrong foot. Perhaps we could start over. I am Fio, Fairie, Royal Guard of the Fairie Kingdom,” He stepped out of the grass. He was a short being, maybe 7 inches tall. Tall for his species. He had short curly hair just barely visible behind his wooden mask. His dark green ears pointed out and up from behind his mask. He was wearing armor that looked like it was made for him. His chestplate resembled a leaf, with thin, lightweight chain mail hanging just below his chestplate. He wore no armor on his arms, save for a thin lightweight material that denied him no mobility. The same material covered his legs. On his feet he wore shoes that resembled moccasins, but armored. On his belt was a long sword, its hilt was a leaf, the handle was the stem. He carried a leaf shaped shield, there was no room on his back. Sprouting from his back were two pointed wings, stretching from the top of his head to his knees. Nothing about him was cute. “And you are?”

“I am called Birch, Angel, Lieutenant to the fifth airborne division of the royal army of Angelis.” Birch stepped to the edge of the rock so Fio could see her. Birch was 5’5. With shoulder length brunette hair tied behind her head. She was wearing a dull brown waist coat with the collar flipped up to protect her neck from the wind. A loose shirt that was tucked in in the front but not the back. She wore a belt around her waist with a machete tucked into the left side. She wore loose pants that could hide any number of weapons.She carried a shotgun in her arms, but it was usually hanging from a strap over her shoulder. Tucked into her black combat boots was a hunting knife. She possessed a strong jaw line, but delicate features. High cheekbones that were below dazzling green eyes. A simple necklace adorned Birch’s neck.

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