New Edition

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Lori is 17 and Auriel is 12.

"Do you want to tell them or do you want me to?" Algee asked as his wife made dinner. Y/n had big news to tell the girls but she wanted them to be in a good mood. So she decided to make their favorite dinner; steak with macoroni and cheese and their choice of desert. Algee set the table and y/n called down the girls. "We will both tell them since we both made the decision." She smiled. Footsteps was heard and Lori came in on her phone. Algee cleared his throat and she put her phone in her pocket. Auriel dragged her feet with a sad look on her face but the family ignored it.

Lori is getting to that point in life where everything has to go her way. She is getting ready to graduate and her birthday is coming up so she is getting really irritated at things easily and y/n and Algee is trying to keep her happy. Auriel has been feeling left out lately but whenever she tries to tell  y/n or Algee, she gets scolded and called "selfish."

"So Lori how was your day?" Algee asked. Lori shrugged  "We practiced walking across the stage but I'm pretty sure that's not the only thing we need to practice on. Them kids won't shut up!" The whole table laughed. Well except for Auriel, there wasn't anything funny about what she said. Y/n turned to Auriel and smiled "What about you?"
'Its about time.' She thought.
"It was aight." Algee frowned "What do you mean, 'aight?' Is someone giving you a hard time?" Auriel shook her head "No, but my family is." She mumbled but just as fast as they paid attention to her they focused on Lori. Auriel sighed and picked at her food. Y/n frowned knowing that this was Auriel's favorite meal. She wanted both the girls to be in a good mood for the news.

"I'm done." Auriel pushed her plate away and went to get up from the table but Lori pitched in. "You didn't touch your macaroni, that's your favorite!" Auriel sighed "You can have it." "Auriel wait, we have to tell you and your sister something!" Algee stopped her. Auriel rolled her eyes while her back was turned and slowly turned to sit down.

"Okay! So lately me and your dad been talking." Lori furrowed her eyebrows "About?" "Well Lori you're getting ready to turn 18 and you're gonna move out soon. It's just going to be Auriel here so we were thinking about having another baby!" Auriel breathing stopped but Lori smiled and screamed "I'M GOING TO BE A BIG SISTER?" Auriel sneered "You're already a big sister..." Everybody stopped and looked at her. Lori smile dropped and she sat down "Right." Auriel scoffed and scooted from the table. "Auriel come here! Aren't you hap- why are you crying?" Algee asked but Auriel shook her head.

"I just sat here and heard my parents basically say they want another baby because they are gonna get stuck with me! You think I'm suppose to be happy?!" Y/N held up her finger "Watch your tone." Algee reached over and put his hands on her stomach "Besides your mother is already pregnant." Lori smiled and put it on Instagram "Aye you guys I'm having another sibling!" Then she turned the camera to Auriel "Because this one is being selfish and thinks she should forever be the baby. She's getting a little too old for that!" Auriel rolled her eyes "And you're getting a little too old to think the world owe you something. You're graduating sweetheart just like everyone else!" Algee stood up "That's enough! Auriel why aren't you happy?" Auriel tried not to yell but it just came out "BECAUSE FOR THE LAST MONTH NO ONE HAS BEEN HAPPY FOR ME! YOU MISSED MY TALENT SHOW FOR LORI'S STUPID CEREMONY PRACTICE, I GOT FIRST PLACE BY THE WAY. AND WHENEVER I TRY TO TELL YOU HOW I FEEL, YOU SHOO ME AWAY LIKE A DOG. NOW THIS STUPID BABY IS COMING IN THIS STUPID HOUSE AND YOU'RE ACTING LIKE I'M SUPPOSE TO SCREAM HALLELUJAH?" She seen the faces of her parents and wished she would've kept her mouth shut. Lori had at least 3 videos for her story "Oooop guys guess who's about to-" "Lorain turn that shit off..." Algee growled as he started to unbuckle his belt.
Auriel laid on her stomach as she sniffed and continued to dry her eyes but tears kept on coming. Her nose was snotty as she kept on thinking about that whooping she just got. All because she said what she's been feeling. Algee didn't give her a brutal punishment but she wanted to make them pay. She was under the covers and her head faced the wall as she tried to hold in sobs. There was a knock on her door and she sat still. The person peeped in "Auri, you up?" It was Algee. Y/N Just tapped his shoulder "She probably cried herself to sleep, we'll just talk to her in the morning."  The door closed back but a thought came to Auriel.

'No you won't.'
Its been awhile since I updated this book so here ya go!

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