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tris's pov:

we quickly crawled through the vents and we got back into my room.

as we came through the vent the girls woke up.

"what's happening?" lola said as she woke up, at little frightened.

"we made it." i said to aris, smiling. he smiled at me.

"we made it." aris repeated as he hugged me.
i hugged him back.

[ the next morning ]

tris's pov:

i woke up and noticed that lola, ivey, eden and teresa weren't here so i didn't think much of it and just headed for the dining room.

as i got there i saw them sat down at a table, i went over to them and sat with them.
i also noticed that there was not wicked guards anywhere which was a little confusing because they would normally stand around the room with their launchers.

a few minutes later we heard multiple bangs coming from beyond the door and it sounded like there was a fight happening as we could hear launchers.
everyone looked that way and we waited to see what was going on.

then we heard people running down the corridor towards the door.

they bursted through the door,

"hey guys come on, everyone let's go!" a girl with blonde hair said.

at first, no one moved.

then people started going with them.

aris got up off of his chair and ran towards them.

aris's pov:

as i noticed who it was i ran towards them,

"sonya? harriet?" i said, at first they were a little shocked but they then recognised me.

"aris!" sonya hugged me tight and harriet joined in.

"what are you doing here?" she asked.

"wicked took me and tris. where have you been?" i asked them.

"we escaped and the right arm took us in." harriet said.

"this is the right arm?" i asked, smiling.

they both nodded.

tris's pov:

i was a little confused so i ran towards aris.

as i got closer i recognised them.

"oh my god. sonya?" i asked.
"harriet?" i said as i saw her too.

"tris!" sonya said and hugged me.

i hugged her back and then pulled out and hugged harriet too.

we pulled out.

"come on let's go, we are here to save you." a man from behind us said to the rest of the people left in the room.

"this is the right arm, come on." aris said to them.

i looked at aris and smiled, he smiled back at me.

they eventually got up and came with us.

we all ran out onto the sandy ground and they led us to multiple trucks and we all got in.

we drove away from the wicked compound and towards the mountains.

wicked's games ; aris jonesWhere stories live. Discover now