Teacher's Pet Ch.1

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Have you ever lived a life of having your most favorite teacher becoming a crazy and obsessed stalker? Well...I have and to tell you this, it's not the best life to have,especially at the age of seventeen

{Detroit Mi,Parkman Elementary school 2010}

"Race you to the swings,Sally!" A girl with long black hair said as she starts to run  towards the swings and giggles.

Sally giggles as she starts to skip towards a empty swing next to her friend,letting the wind flow through her long blond hair.

"Why do you always skip every time I challenge you to a race?" Sally's friend asked with a confused look on her face.

"Because I like how the wind feels in my hair" Sally said sitting in the swing. "Why do you like to race all the time?"

"Because it's fun and it keeps you in shape"

"Violet,we're only in the fifth grade. Don't you think it's a bit too early to start working out?"

"My momma told me that it's never too early to keep up with your body as you grow"

"Well,your momma must be an athletic freak" Sally said giggling.

"Hey! No,she's not! She just doesn't want to be overweight!" Violet said getting offended.

"Geez,calm down! I was just kidding"

"Hey,Mucha Muscles" A red head girl said in a teasing way as she walks pass Sally and Violet with a group of other girls laughing at her comment.

"Who's Mucha Muscels?" Sally asked.

"I don't know and I don't care" Violet said with an attitude.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, just forget about it"

"Hey,Mucha Muscles! How do you get those big muscles and you're only nine years old?" The red head asked

"She probably be working out  at the gym with her daaady!" The red head girl's friend said in a teasing way,making the other girls laugh.

"She's probably not really a girl! She could be a boy dressing as a girl!" Anther girl said making them laugh harder.

Sally looked at her friend Violet and saw that she was crying.Every time Violet blinks a tear comes out and falls to the ground because of how Violet was holding her head down.Sally was mad and furious. She didn't like seeing her best friend hurt like that. Sally hopped off the swing and walked towards the red girl and her crew and slapped the red head girl real hard across her face.


The red head girl slowly turned her head to look at Sally as she looked over at Violet who was sitting on the swing shocked at what Sally just did.

"You're just going to let her hit you like that,Eve?" One of her friends asked as Eve looked at Sally with a furious look on her face.

"YOU ARE SO GOING TO PAY FOR THAT!" Eve said and before Sally could even respond, Eve tackled her to the ground and started to punch her in the face.

"Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" One of Eve's friends shouted,grabbing everybody's attention to the fight between Sally and Eve.

All of the other kids ran by the swings and started to chant "Fight" over and over while standing over Sally and Eve.Sally rolled over until she was on top of Eve and started to put in a few punches as Eve  grabs a hand full of Sally's hair and start to pull on it.

"Let go of my hair!" Sally yelled as she grabbed Eve by her head and slammed it on the ground.

One of Eve's friends ran towards Sally and started to pull on Sally's hair and punches her as three other girls starts to join her and hit on Sally.Sally tried her best to fight back but there was too many of them to fight off.Sally fell onto the ground and covered her face from getting hit and kicked on by Eve and her group friends and prayed to God that it'll end quick.All of the teachers came out running as they pulled Eve and her friends off of Sally and took them into the principal's office as another teacher helps Sally off the ground and carried her inside.

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