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The moon is a saviour, it saves the lost souls wondering through the night, it saves those who don't know who they are anymore, it saved me. The stars guided my way, the moon my light, I crave not having any worries, not having to change yourself for others, not having to throw who you really are away just so you will be considered normal. Normal is an impossibility, it doesn't exist, it is a fairy tale that has evolved into something more. It has become a reason for those lost souls wondering the night to reach out and let their life slip away from them. It is the reason I have become so lost. It is the reason I lost my best friend. It is the reason you shall someday lose yours. It is a disgusting statement people throw at others. "You're not normal." "You're different. You're different from us." It is a statement used when someone is different, when someone doesn't let others dictate themselves, it is a complement. Being normal can never happen. Being normal doesn't exist. Normal is different for everyone. Normal is when you act a certain way most of the time. Normal is how you like to dress the majority of the time. Everyone has personality traits that are normal for them. Everyone does things differently from others. Your normal is not the same as others normals. Your normal is you.

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