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My smile fell a little when I woke up the next morning and Jungkook was not there with me. I figured he had to go to work then, grabbing a slice of the cold pizza, which missed two slices. I smiled warmly at the space the slices left, the only indication he had really been there with me for some time yesterday. When I stood up I winced slightly, I was a little sore between my legs from yesterday. Now I could imagine how his clients would feel after leaving. 

Jungkook had other problems this morning, he woke up too late for his first client because he was thinking about Mirae the whole night and when he finally arrived in time for his second client for the day, he couldn't get it up, because of Mirae. To say he was more than frustrated at the end of the day, would be an understatement and when Mirae came into the brothel as his last client of the day he was close to tears. The universe was totally against him somehow. 

He breathed deeply through his nose and smiled awkwardly at her. She was oblivious to the tension in the room. A big part of him wanted to storm out of the room and ignore her forever, while a bigger part of him wanted to embrace her and place a tender kiss on her lips. For a second he lost himself in a daydream where he would kiss her hello and call her his, but the illusion disappeared immediately. He crossed his arms over his chest and stared at her coldly. "Hey" she breathed softly, a big smile on her lips. "I was a little disappointed to see you gone this morning" she confessed, looking at the floor, blushing slightly. 

"Well, what did you expect? I have work you know" he grumbled coldly, sitting down on the bed to make as much room between them as possible. Mirae furrowed her brow in confusion. "I know, that's not what I wanted to say. I just meant that I missed you" she clarified, hesitantly walking up to the bed and sitting down next to him. Normally he would reach out to her and initiate some kind of skinship, but he stopped himself this time. Mirae noticed. "Of course you would miss me. After I fucked you that well last night" he chuckled, disgusted with his own words, but he had to. 

Mirae slowly stood up, shock and hurt written on her face. "Is that all last night meant to you?" she asked quietly, her voice shaking a little bit. "You were a good fuck" he once again said. "But you kissed me" now her voice was only above a whisper, she backed away slowly. "That's what you do when you have sex. An essential part of foreplay" he smiled cockily, dying a little inside as Mirae's eyes filled with tears. "I don't understand, Kookie." With a sigh, he stood up, keeping his asshole-persona a little longer. "I will spell it out for you, all I wanted was to get in your pants, so I could at least once fuck you your money's worth." Every step he went towards her, Mirae backed away, hugging herself pathetically. 

"I can't believe I fell for your lies" she spat out bravely, the last bit of her strength leaving her and a little sniffle sounded through the room. Jungkook could punch himself in the face. Mirae whipped around and left in a haste, the door closing loudly behind her. Jungkook sighed, putting his head against the closed door, breathing deeply to calm himself down. He really was in too deep if that hurt him so much. "She will get over it and then we can go back to being friends," he told himself over and over. "She will realize that we are not meant to be lovers and that we are perfect as best friends and she will come back and forgive me. Then I can stay at her side as a friend" he mumbled. 

He gave her a week, a week to sort her feelings out and throw them in the dumpster. A week to come back with a coffee, saying how she was wrong to run off like that and that she realized they were better off as friends. His feelings would go away soon as well, he hoped. But after that week, she still didn't come and after two, she was still away, making him worried. "Hey, have you seen Mirae lately?" he asked the girl at the reception desk, biting his bottom lip nervously. 

"No, not since she quit her membership" she replied, chewing bubblegum loudly. Jungkook froze. "Fuck, what have I done."

I'm sorryyyyyyyyyyyy ^^ This book is gonna end soon, there will only be two more chapters and then it's done. I hope you liked it this far and you will also enjoy reading the last few chapters. ❤️

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