Chapter 5: A Destroyed Legacy

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As they flew past Earth Iliana felt the warm sun on her face and knew it was her destiny to be with Argus. As they entered Mercuries' orbit she could feel the heat. Before they exited the ship they had to put on special heat proof suits. "Why is it so hot here." says heat exhausted Iliana. "Mercury doesn't have a protective shield to deflect the sun rays like Earth. Earth has an O-zone layer to deflect sun rays, but not all planets have them. "Huh, I didn't know that." says Iliana. As they walked on the rocky region Iliana could not stop thinking about what the rock people looked like. She was excited to see other aliens too. "I can't wait to meet aliens." says. "Don't be too excited about meeting aliens, not all of them are as kind and surprisingly gentle as the Rock People. Some of them have nasty attitudes, and others are just plain rude and mean. Others are nice and giving. Us Pandraxians are in between." Argus says warningly. "Hmm." Iliana says suspiciously. "What? You don't believe me?" says Argus. "No it's not that, you said the Rock People were gentle but why are all their houses and structures destroyed?" says Iliana. Argus turned to see a once beautiful and magnificent city destroyed and up in flames. "I don't understand. What happened?" says confused Argus. "I don't know but maybe we should leave." says Iliana. "No, I have to find out what happened." says Argus. They searched the rubble of old structures but all they found was rocks and garbage. They searched until they got to the High King's castle. When they walked up to it they saw the drawbridge had scrapes on it. It looked like it was torn down purposely. Argus was beginning to suspect something sinister had gone on. When they past the huge pieces of scraped metal they went inside. When they got inside they saw dead rock knights everywhere with charred armor, and swords and shields in their hands. They went straight to the throne room, and found High King Henry on the ground in front of his throne wounded. "Ar-Argus? What are you doing here? Leave before it comes back!" says Henry. "Before what comes back? What happened here?" says Argus. "Our enemies, the Martians, they created an unstoppable monster. We were in the middle of a war when they up and left. We thought we won until the huge creature came and destroyed everything." says Henry. "What kind of monster?" says Iliana. "A dragon, a huge dragon made of moon dust." says Henry. "You have to leave immediately, the Martians were aware of your arrival on Earth and they knew of your original plans to come here." says Henry. "This was a trap." says Argus nervously. At that moment they heard a huge roar, and Argus knew he had to get out of there and fast. "Come on Henry we have to get out of here." Argus says urgently. "No leave me be, there's no way I'll survive." says Henry. Argus had no time to debate so he picked up Henry threw him over his back and ran. Iliana was not scared in fact she was actually excited. The dragon had smelled them and crashed through the castle close behind them. Iliana ran very close to Argus and showed no signs of slowing down. The dragon was tearing down walls and destroying the castle. They were running straight through a corridor when Argus came up with a plan. "I looked back and noticed the dragon had two hearts, I know what to do." says Argus. "What do we do?" Iliana says excitedly. "When we get to these two doors up here you cut right and I'll cut left. In the two rooms are both armories, take the sword and destroy the dragon. When they got to the doors they split and so did the dragon. Iliana thought the dragon followed Argus so when she looked back she was surprised to see a smaller dragon. Iliana showed no fear and grabbed a sword and a shield on the wall. The dragon was smaller but was still mighty. Iliana hit the dragon 4 times with her shield, and the dragon spit fire at her. Iliana put her shield up quickly; she swung her sword mightily and cut off the dragons head. The dragon dissolved and the only thing that was left was the gold heart. She picked up the heart put it in her satchel, and headed to the other door where Argus went. When she opened the door she saw Henry was on the floor watching the fight. She saw Argus on the dragons back, and his sword was on the ground. "Henry are you okay?" says Iliana. "I'm all right but it looks like Argus needs help." says Henry. "Right" says Iliana. Ilana ran to the sword and threw it up to Argus. Argus put the sword into the dragons back and it fell and dissolved. "You finished before me? You must be a real warrior." Argus says surprisingly. "Eh, I try my best. It was really no problem. How did you know the dragon would split into two?" says Iliana. "I've seen these kinds before; they attacked Pandrax when I was 6." says Argus. "Did you grab the hearts?" says Henry. "Yes." says both Iliana and Argus. "Good inside those hearts are two types of magical healing powder. If your mix them together you'll have an infinite supply." says Henry. "How do you open them?" says Iliana. "With a special key inside the Martian King's crest on his throne." says Henry. "I guess we're off on another adventure." says Argus. He handed Iliana his dragon heart, picked up Henry and they left the castle. On their way to the ship they saw 6 white blobs coming their way; "Get down!" Argus says urgently. They ducked down just in time as they saw Martian troopers flying past them. "They must be retrieving the dragon hearts." says Henry. "That means we better leave quickly before they realize their gone." says Argus. They ran to the ship and got in; "Uhh, there are those troopers, and their headed this way!" says Iliana. "I'll put the cloak on." says Argus. "It's no use, they'll still know we're here!" says Henry. "Get the ship started, I'll handle this." says Iliana. "Wait!" says Argus. It was too late Iliana had already jumped out of the ship with her sword and shield. She was ready to fight. Anyway back on the ship Henry was very curious about Iliana; "Who is she?" says Henry. "That's my wife, Iliana." Argus says confidently. "You went back to Pandrax?" says Henry. "No Henry, we got married on Earth." says Argus. Back on the ground Iliana was kicking butt. The Martian soldiers were having a very hard to stop Iliana. She was fighting very aggressively, and her technique was almost flawless. Finally she finished and got back on the ship. "You know you can't be with her that long." says Henry. "Why is that?" says confused Iliana. "I am immortal." says Argus. "You knew this when you asked me to come with you didn't you?" says angry Iliana. "Yes." says shameful Argus. "Then why would you lead me on knowing we couldn't be together forever." says Iliana. "Because I can still die." says Argus. "No one knows when their time is, I mean if my parents knew they were going to be killed on their trip I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have gone." says tearful eyed Iliana. "Your right, but I thought I could take you to Pandrax and lay you in the River of Life." says Argus. "It doesn't always work Argus, how do you it will on her?" says Henry. "Because Henry, I have faith. My father always told me when I was young; if you have faith in something, it will for sure come true." says Argus. "What's the River of Life?" says Iliana. "It changes the DNA of whatever you put in it and makes it Pandraxian." says Argus. "What happens when it doesn't work?" says Iliana. "You'll turn into something evil and dark." says Henry. "How'd you know I'd be willing to take my chances." says Iliana. "I know you are very brave and very strong." says Argus. "You don't know if she will survive." says Henry "I think I'll take my chances." says Iliana. "Good, but we'll need to go to Pandrax." says Argus. "I thought you said you were never going back there, under any circumstance." says Iliana. "Our stay won't be that long, trust me." says Argus. 

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