Family Dynamic

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He was wrong, I knew.

Wrong about books, wrong about

fiction, wrong about me.

It started with a dumb comment, something

passive aggressive, something I'd grown

to ignore. His tone had a superior

edge to it as he proclaimed that stories

aren't important, aren't useful, don't

add anything to society.

I should've let it roll off. I should've

continued not to care, just telling myself he

is the way he is, and nothing I will do, nothing

I can do will change that, but thinking about

losing myself in the words of JK Rowling or

Alexander Dumas or Harper Lee, thinking

about the way they'd changed my life made me

snap. Before I knew it, my words were biting

without restraint, letting him know what I felt,

and something changed. He actually listened.

For the first time, he was the one to back down.

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