7. Tacenda

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"I am going to die," Klemenis said, and Ariel resisted the urge to groan. He sighed heavily instead and made himself comfortable at the foot of his throne. It was best for him to sit down whenever his father began one of his "talks".

"Father, you say this all the time," Ariel reminded him. "You are not as close to death as you think you are."

Klemenis laughed, a booming sound that shook the cave and caused pieces of stalactites to float down. Ariel casually moved away from a particularly sharp shard that was moments away from impaling his neck. Cela hissed from behind their father, but she didn't abandon her spot.

"I suppose I do look young for my age," he chortled.

Ariel didn't bother with a response, and his father didn't expect one. He instead leaned back against his throne and regarded Ariel intensely. Ariel hated this. He hated being scrutinized. It was almost as if they could tell his thoughts with enough studying, and Ariel valued his private thoughts to stay private.

At this particular moment, Ariel was thinking about the necklace he wore around his neck like a heavy stone and the human he saved from drowning. There was no reason to keep the human a secret, but Ariel would like him to be something only he and Mira knew about. He wanted to keep the human to himself.

"Father," he said quietly, just to distract Klemenis from boring holes into his face. "What did you call me in here for?"

His father's smile became a little sad, and he thankfully looked away. "I may not be close to death right now, but I will still die one day. And when I die, you will take my place. You are my son, my only son, and I want you to continue where I left off. I want you to become the leader of your fellow avaritia, but you refuse to take the responsibility. You go off to the tides know where every day. Imagine the shame I feel when my heir refuses to show up to important celebrations. Imagine having to rely on Celamenis to perform your duty."

Behind him, Cela gave Ariel a pointed frown. They both knew damn well that she wanted to be next in line, and she didn't mind performing his duties.

Ariel rubbed the gills on his neck, feeling slightly guilty. "I'm sorry,  Father."

Klemenis leaned back and studied him quietly. "You need to take more responsibility. Become more leader-like. What will it take for you to grow up?"

Ariel didn't respond. He didn't know what to say. I want to feel the water sliding against my skin. I want to swim with every creature in the sea. I want to go treasure hunting with Mira and braid Aurame's hair and listen to Thesa's stories. I want to feel the sun against my skin and breathe in air and enjoy my life.

Ariel knew he couldn't do any of that if he took responsibility and replaced his father as ruler of the avaritia. He would no longer be free. But he couldn't tell his father that. He wouldn't understand.

"My son," Klemenis said sadly.

Ariel hated the tone of his voice. "Father, I apologize for not claiming my role as your first born son properly, and I will try to better myself, but please stop talking to me like that."

Klemenis looked surprised. "Like what?"

"Like I'm stupid. I'm not as naïve as the rest of you think I am."

He didn't say anything for a few minutes. "I heard you have been going out frequently with Miranoe."

Ariel was startled at the subject change. "She's my partner in crime. Who else would I choose?'

"Who else indeed," Klemenis mused out loud. He glanced at Ariel again, his thick and short fingers playing with his beard. Ariel knew the moment he made a decision because of the way his fingers stilled. "Ariel, I want you to listen very carefully."

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