Ch. 12 Petrified

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"(Y/n) something has happened to mione!" Perfect. I️ new this somehow had to involve my previous rendezvous with Tom. All the thoughts of what could have happened to her resounded in my head. A feeling of sheer panic and fear settled over me. "What happened and where is she!?. Is she okay?" The worried look on Harry's face wasn't a good sign. "She's in the hospital wing right now. She seems...frozen, like she's in a coma. We were about to go see her so come on!" We quickly made our way to Hermione. Harry was right. She was frozen. Just like a statue. "Oh! Mione" I was so struck I didn't even notice the voice creeping into the back of my mind. "Don't question my power miss (y/n). I am very capable to do a lot more damage than this, so remember that I'll know if you tell anyone about our little talks. Farewell for now." I shuddered and brushed the thoughts of Tom doing words out of my head. I noticed something peeking out of Hermione's hand. "Ron, Harry, do you see that? There's something in Mione's hand." Ron reached up to pull it out. Harry read over the paper, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. "It's describing some sort of creature. I just don't know what." He kept reading on. "Instant death.... what ever it is it isn't good. It's some kind of serpent, in the chamber." Dear Mr. Riddle was about to get an earful from me. "Harry, Ron, I'll see you in potions. I have to go." I quickly made my way out of the hospital wing and up to the tower. "Tom! What is the meaning of this. Answer me right now!" "So little missy has some confidence now. It seems your dear friend has found my basilisk. There's more where that came from if you decide to get in my way. Be warned."

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