Tears Under The Beautiful Snow (NamJin)

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Extremely light Angst


Namjoon's POV

I sat at a bench down the park in the middle of the night. It was really fucking cold here even through a sweater, a sweater I once again managed to ruin Jin's stitching on it

Jin, damn his name makes my heart flutter, really. I mean it's not scientifically possible but- you get my point. My total opposite yet my love, the person that makes my heart shake, bend and bre-

"Joonie, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?, Are you ou- wait, are you crying?" Jin asked me as he was rushing to put my freshly dyed white bangs out of my eyes

"Jinnie, I-It's nothing" I stuttered as I quickly tried to wipe away some stray tears

"No Joonie don't 'It's nothing' me, what happened you could tell me" He said as he wiped my cascading tears off my face I looked deeply into his hazel brown eyes , before sniffling and crying again

"I-It's just that- that I just can't keep anything safe, I know the ARMY jokes about my destructiveness but I just feel like- it- it just hurts so much. What if I can't keep anything safe because I'm an actual monster?" I sniffled to him quietly as I knelt down on the ground and leaned my head on his shoulders

He quietly whispered sweet nothings to my ear and soothingly rubbed my back to comfort me

"You know Joonie, we could tell the army to stop the teasing you for a moment" he said to me

"That would be wonderful, thank you. I love you...." I breathed the last part softly as I saw my breath turn into smoke

"Do you really mean it Joonie?" He asked me as he raised my head up from his shoulder to look directly into my eyes

I decided not to break the eye contact and let it all out

"I loved you ever since our first meeting. Remember when you auditioned? I begged them to sign you in, but they were already planning on doing so anyways. Please don't be mad at me?" I was crying again

"I would never be mad at you Joonie, because.... I love you too" He breathed to me softly before kissing me deeply

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