Missing Him

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Emilio's POV

As I was walking out of the kitchen, I noticed Alexandra sit up. This is it. I have to ask her what happened. Will she hate me afterwards? Will she think invading her privacy? I have to though, if somebody hurt her, i need to know so i can keep her safe.

I walk over and sit next to her.
"Hey Alexandra," I started.
"Hey, you can call me Alex if you want," She replied.
"Okay, Alex, can i ask you a question?"

"I guess so," she said unsure.

Alex's POV

"How did you get that mark on your face?"

Ugh, the question i have been dreading.
"Haha I'm clumsy, I fell and bumped it," i replied obviously lying.

"I know that wasn't the truth. Come on you can tell me."
"It was partly the truth. I am clumsy," i said trying to veer off of the conversation.
"Alex, please, if someone hurt you please tell me," he said with sincerity.
"It was the lady that ran the orphanage. She woke me up her way and told me i was getting adopted, so i copped this. Are you happy now?" I said with tears filling my eyes.

That's when Emilio engulfed me in a hug and whispered, "No one is gonna hurt you here."

We stayed like that for a while, before Emilio had to go film with Ivan. Logan came and sat next to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.
"I guess so," i replied.

"What's on your mind Alex?"
"I miss Declan, he is my best friend and is like my brother. I can't lose him."

"We'll figure something out. So.... I heard what you told Emilio. Was it just you that she targeted or others as well?"
"Me and Declan. We would always stand up to her when she would try and scare or hurt the little kids so we copped the punishment."

"It's brave of you to stand up to her though. It's a tough thing to do. Anyway, I got a couple of things to ask you," he said.

I nodded and he continued, "1) Do you have a phone? 2) When is your birthday? And 3) What are your thoughts on going to school?"

I sat back on the couch, glad that the conversation had been changed.

"I don't have a phone, but i don't need one and they are expensive. My birthday is July 16 and I went to school for a year when i was 5 but never been since. I would probably suck at school."

Logan nodded and his phone buzzed. He looked down and said, "Alex we need to go home. There are some people there and they don't know about you but i think you will like them."

I nodded and we walked out the door.

I am happy and sad about this whole adoption thing. I mean so many nice people that love and care for me. They will protect me no matter what. It's nice. But it also means leaving behind everything i've grown up with and am used to. Everything is changing and i don't like change. But the thing that hurts the most is Declan. I need Declan. He has been my everything for years and i was taken away from him. He is probably being abused twice as much now since i'm gone. I need to get him out.

I will do anything to get him out.


A/N: Hey Everyone,

Short Chapter, I know, I'm so sorry this took so long but here it is and there will be more updates since it is the school holidays.

A lot of people have been asking me questions through private message, so i thought it would be a good idea to answer one question each chapter. If you have any questions please send them to me through comments or private.

Question: Which Country Do I Live In? What Is It Like?

I live in Sydney, Australia, also known as New South Wales. It is beautiful here and it's a nice place to live although in summer it is very hot. We recently had 41-43 degree celcius days.

Please comment any ideas or questions and don't forget to vote.

-Erin <3

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