#17-Soul of Light, Heart of Black.

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The heart that never beats,

the soul that doesn't move,

the wind that doesn't weave,

and the flowers that don't love.

The light that doesn't meet,

the heart inside us all,

blocked forever by a door,

that only we create.

The bride walks down the road,

her heart forever locked,

forced to love forever,

never to see again.

When her fate was met,

she faced it with might,

she tried her best,

but lost at night.

She was lost,

the paper of marriage forever binding.

The twisted man,

keeping her bright soul.

The light doesn't penetrate,

the heart of a cold man.

So she was lost,

in a sea of black.

The flower wilts,

with the loss of her soul,

crumbling down,

forever shrouded.

The man stood,

Blocking the light,

Keeping her for him,

Only for one.

She wilted under the dark,

her soul dieing inside,

only a carcass left,

of one that once was.

She dies,

slowly on the stone,

the light fading,

the man gaining.

Her eyes close,

the light lost to the dark.

Once one that was so bright,

now dead in the dark.

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