Chapter 14

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Viktor handed me the coffe with a worried look on his face. "I know that look," he smiled sadly at me, "you're worried about something. What is it babe? You know you can talk to me honey. I won't judge you." He sighed heavily. I put my coffee down on the table and shuffled towards him. As a friend it is my duty to make sure he has all my attention.

"Yuri wants to meet up but I'm scared we won't get along. Or that he won't like me. Or that-" I immediately cut him off. He had a habit of worrying unnecessarily. "Viktor baby. He will love you I know he will. You've grown to really like him and he wouldn't ask to meet up if he didn't feel the same way now would he?" Viktor shook his head. "Now talk to him babe. Make yourself excited to meet him. Go talk to him to the point where you can't wait to see his face for the first time."

"Are you sure you don't mind me leaving you?"
"Oh honey please. This is love we're talking about here. Besides. I have RuPaul's Drag Race to Catch up on."

This was a filler I'm sorry. Things will start to happen soon I promise. Also it's my birthday in nineteen days and my binder arrives on the 18th I am so hyped agh.

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