chapter twenty-three.

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a/n: the stranger things season two sneak peek that was released today has ME SKKSKSKD SO MUCH MORE EXCITED THAN I THOUGHT I COULD BE

  btw, this is a long ass chap! & sorry for typos, ily babies. ❤️

**millie's pov**

"Care to tell me why I just saw you and Finn, the person that last time I checked is 'such an asshole' as you said so yourself, driving around in your car?" Noah greets with pure resentment and bitterness over the other line of the call, right off the bat, as the flesh of my skin grows hot, the view sight of my eyes trailing around the halted car, searching for where he could've possibly seen us.

Noah very rarely gets angry.

"N-Noah." Is all that processes through my brain to speak out, feeling as if I got blatantly caught with my hand in the cookie jar, malaise of anxiety pulsing due to his obvious irritation at the situation.

Iris is the only one of my friends, who's been aware of Finn's yard-keeping at my residence.

Yet, she has no idea that he's been technically living there.

Noah has no element of knowledge regarding the extent of Finn's presence around me, as a whole.

Finn's just been a secret, that Iris has graciously kept from crating chaos.

A purely beautiful secret.

"I honestly can't even believe you right now. You've not answered any of my calls, you act like you barely want to see me, all of a sudden...and recently, you just haven't been acting the same. I-I-I mean, are you messing around with him, or something?" Noah spews faster than the speed of light, venting about the way he's been feeling, all of it complete and utter need to me. each and every word taking my comprehension aback, his assumptions causing such uneasiness, referring to the boy who's graciously been attending my company, as Finn's eyes trail towards me out of my peripheral vision.

That's not true.

I've just been preoccupied, but that doesn't mean that I was hesitant to see or speak to him.

I've just been preoccupied with a certain someone named Finn, who's slowly starting to overtake my mind and emotion.

"No, i-it's not what you think." I defend myself into a stutter, somewhat telling the truth in regarding Finn and I's relationship in reality, simultaneously fibbing in correlation about the inner feelings of desire for him, as Noah sighs out with frustration, before the two dings bestow into my ear, the call abruptly ending due to his actions.

What have I been doing for the past two days?

  Tripping all over myself for Finn, when I'm supposed to be striking a romantic interest with someone else?

  It's disgraceful on my part, as much as it feels so right to engage with the boy who long ago, used to make my skin crawl.

The cell phone glides off of my ear, as I hold it into my grasp, too shocked to fathom what was just said to me.

"What was that about?" Finn construes with slight bemusement, a hint of resentment laced within his raspy voice, as I keep my eyes away from staring at him, ignoring the tone of his voice to prevent further distress, molding the flesh of my lips together.

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