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XUEHA MIN grabs her laptop while jumping onto her bed. XUEHA MIN types into the computer, ' throwing up flower petals,' and looks through the results. 'Hanahaki Disease' pops up first, XUEHA MIN clicks the title.


The Hanahaki Disease is an illness produced by one-sided love, where the patient throws up and coughs up flower petals when they have a one-sided love.The infection can be removed through surgery, but it also removes the feelings along with the petals. The only other way to be cured is for the love to become mutual. If not treated it can prove to be fatal.

XUEHA MIN's breathing speeds up as she looks down at her chest, fear painted on her face.


MINSEOK PARK places his hand on MINA LAY's mid-back as he guides her to XUEHA MIN's desk. XUEHA MIN smiles brightly at the couple. XUEHA MIN subtly holds her breath to keep the petals from erupting from her throat and mouth.

Before MINSEOK PARK could open his mouth, XUEHA MIN silently excuses herself as she leaves covering her mouth to muffle the coughs she couldn't hold back. XUEHA MIN rushes to the bathroom as the coughs got more and more suffocating.


XUEHA MIN runs into the closest stall not locking the stall door. She falls to her knees in front of the toilet. XUEHA MIN releases her hand from her mouth, she starts coughing violently her whole body shaking with each cough.

The beautiful pink flower petals spill from XUEHA MIN's lips. This time there's too many petals to be able to count. XUEHA MIN weeps openly leaning against one of the walls in the bathroom stall, her knees hugged against her chest.

XUEHA MIN's eyes are blood shot while her face has many blotchy spots. The bathroom stall's door opens. HAEWON KHYUN rushes to XUEHA MIN's side and uses her hand to trace circles on XUEHA MIN's back. HAEWON KHYUN sees the flower petals that liter the floor around XUEHA MIN and covers her mouth immediately from shock.


You have Hanahaki!? Why didn't you tell me immediately? You know I would've been at your side the second you told me.

XUEHA MIN looks at HAEWON KHYUN guiltily with a faint smile on her face.


I know, that's the reason I didn't tell you. I decided I would rather suffer in silence without anyone else knowing than to have you suffer along with me just because I couldn't keep my own feelings in check.


What do you mean you couldn't keep your feelings in check? You're making it sound like it's your fault you fell in love. No one can control who they love their hearts decide that on their own.


But it is my fault I've ended up like this, I knew I liked him too much and I knew it wouldn't end up good. But I still let myself fall deeper and deeper for him every day. And I still am, every time I see him with her it hurts so damn much! But no matter what I can't bring myself to hate him for making me into this mess. Just seeing his face or even uttering his name causes these petals to come up. But even so if I were to die one day I'd very much rather die with this love than to die with out love at all.

More petals spill from XUEHA MIN's mouth as she speaks but this time with blood splatter on them. XUEHA MIN smiles faintly while looking up towards the ceiling as she finishes talking. Tears stream down XUEHA MIN and HAEWON KHYUN's faces as they hug in the bathroom stall on the floor surrounded by the numerous pink flower petals, now with streaks of the most beautiful shade of red, XUEHA MIN had coughed up.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2017 ⏰

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