Songs of All Time

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      Nate set up his camera and took a deep breathe, and started to play.  "The same old bed, in the same old house, in the same old forest that I've known. The place in which I have grown into the boy I am today....."
      Nate smiled as he sent in the audio. He got a email back from his producer a bit later as he was preparing the song for YouTube.

Love the song. I am guessing you are doing a Zelda themed album. Test it out on your channel first. If it does well we'll send it out to your fans.

      Nate smiled, "Man, that is awesome."
      He put the finishing touches on the video and sent it out. Let the fans eat it up. He put his headphones up as he started playing Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Victorious started to play and Nate could pretend that his LA life was a dream come true.
      Shit. She is home.

      Nate tensed on the couch as he played through the beginning of the game, rushing hard to save the Deku tree. Only to have Morgan slam the door open to his recording room.
       "Why are you playing the stupid game? Come on! We have got to meet with the Vidcon people to secure our spot."
          Nate nodded closing his 3ds and following to the car. Soon they were surround by people prepping for the weeklong con. He didn't see the smaller man until he ran into him. Nate looked down to see a shorter man wearing a mask. The mask was plain with only two black circles to show eyes and a straight line for a mouth.
         "You should be more careful. Especially when the fans get here. Bump into one of them? And you ain't going anywhere." The man said in a neutral tone.
           Nate flushed, "Sorry. I got distracted."
            The man shrugged, "Np. Hey did you see where Markiplier went? I was supposed to meet him here because he has to tell me something."
            Nate point of to where the now blue haired Mark was waving his arms like an idiot while Ethan and Tyler Irish stomped around him. Jack who Nate assumed was behind such a display, was laughing loudly. Making Nate firmly aware of way Jack was know for being the loudest let's player.
      The man nodded, "Thanks."
      Nate was curious as to why the man hid his face. Did he have a channel? Or was he just weird? Nate followed Morgan. The masked man still lingering in his thought. When they came back to the house, Nate let his tail and ears show. He was home and at least Morgan barely stays the night anymore. Nate's tail twitched as he sent an email to Mark.

       Who was that man you wanted to talk to? The one with the mask. Is he a YouTuber?

       The reply was quick in coming. Only a half hour later, Mark got back to him.

         That was Cry. Nice guy. I am thinking of doing a collab with him. So ya, he is a YouTuber. Why do you ask?

        Nate had no answer for Mark. But something drew him to this smaller man. Something feral.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2017 ⏰

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