Chapter 12

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Cupid flicked water everywhere, drying his wings off as best he could. It would be a few minutes they were completely useable again. Wrapped in a towel for warmth and privacy, the fairy swirled various garments around himself. What was what? Which went on first? And how?! Dressing was never this complicated at home. "Isaac! How do I put this on?!"

The air quivered with magic the instant before the centaur appeared. "Oh, goodness! Let me help you!" A few frustrating minutes later, Cupid was dressed in a white shirt and pants. "It's not much, but unfortunately, it's all you can wear."

"All I can wear?! I hate this! Since when did clothes go to your wrists and ankles? I can't even move!" To demonstrate his point, the fairy twisted around. "It's constantly touching me! How am I supposed to climb in these- pants?!"

"Climbing? You won't be doing any of that here. I mean, I've never really worn pants but-"

"My legs are practically sown together!" Cupid insisted. He missed the freedom of home, where he could climb, run, and fly, (mostly without his parents' knowledge) basically anywhere he pleased.

"That's not the worst thing that's going to happen." Isaac mumbled ominously. At that moment, two other servants from the dining room came in.

Malcom, narrowed his eyes, conjured a metal stick with the Greenway insignia on one end. He pointed it at Isaac. "Scram, pony-boy. This is wizarding business."

"I'm really sorry, Cupid. I don't want this to happen to you, but I don't really have-"

"SCRAM!!" There was a faint pop, and Isaac was gone. Malcom sighed in exasperation and conjured a small metal table. "Now, slave, give me your hands."

Cupid nervously reached out, unsure what was going to happen. There was a table and there was a stick; that was all he knew. He winced in surprise as handcuffs clamped around his wrists, and then yelp as the magnetized to the table. The fairy was stuck. Malcom only made it worse, giving Cupid magnetic rings to keep his fingers glued to the table.

"Slave, don't scream." He handed the stick to the servant girl, who was a light wizard, and ripped a long piece of Cupid's pant leg. "By the way, you're going to have to keep these clothes. Open." Malcom forced the fabric between the fairy's teeth when he didn't comply. "That kind of behavior will earn you a few extra seconds, but I'll be gracious this one, singular, time. Because you probably forgot by now, don't scream. Also, no magic. I hate repeating myself, so do try to limit these occurrences, slave."

Cupid sat in silence, only partly understand what Malcom was saying. He was mostly scared for what was going to happen to his hands. The makeshift gag grew wet with saliva.

The light wizard, who was mute, covered the insignia with her glowing palm. Light transformed to heat, making the insignia bright orange. She glanced questioningly at Malcom. "That's good. We're trying to leave scars not melt his skin off." The wizard smiled lightly and handed the brand back to him. He conjured another for her to heat.

After making sure both were facing the right way, Malcom gave one brand the light wizard. Simultaneously, they shoved the brands onto Cupid's hands. Despite Malcom's command, the fairy howled in agony.

"It's looking better." Isaac remarked a few days later, examining Cupid's hands. "A little bit more."

The fairy grimaced, and licked the wounds again. His hands tasted gross, but it was better than Mallory spitting on him. Both pixies and fairies had healing saliva, but using it was awkward for all involved. That was part of the reason Cupid hadn't healed his now scarred right foot. He wasn't going to lick his feet, no matter how many baths he took. "Why did Malcom and the light wizard do that to me? Malcom I can understand, to a point, but-"

Mallory sighed. "Greenway told them to. The light wizard's name is Lucy. She's mute, but don't underestimate her. She's like the female Malcom. Anyway, they did because Greenway said, but also-" She glanced to Isaac uncomfortably.

The centaur twisted his hoof into the floor. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but- well, you got branded as Greenway's property."

"Didn't you get branded?" Cupid asked innocently.

Isaac shook his head. "No, we're indentured servants. Eventually, when we pay off our debts, we get free. You're- well, stuck here."

Cupid blinked. "Stuck here?" All this time, he had kept a glimmer of hope, that one day, even if took years, he would come back to Feylore. Come back home. "Stuck here. I'm stuck here, I'm a slave." Tearlessly crying, the fairy flew literally and figuratively blind, narrowly missing walls and other obstructions. "I'm stuck here!"

Mallory moved to fly after him, but was almost immediately blocked by Isaac. "Let him be, Mal. Let him be."

"Says you." She retorted.

Isaac frowned. "Drinks on me?" He asked slowly, already knowing her answer.

Mallory smirked. "You'll go broke. C'mon!"

Sorry I haven't updated in a while! But what did you think? Are Malcom and Lucy evil? And what of Greenway? Isaac and Mallory? How do you think Crystal is doing with Victoria Drew? If you were Cupid, how would you handle being branded? Please comment! I appreciate reads and votes, but commentary is feedback and we authors feed off feedback! That's why it's called that! (Not really.) See you next time!

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