I Have Some News

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First off all I want to say is thank you all so much. You guys are amazing and wonderful people. I may not have said this but every comment that is left I read and it just makes my day no matter what it says. But that is only a third of what I wanted to say.

Second thing I wanna talk about is that I will be on here very rarely now. I have some issues going on right now I will soon be making sort of an autobiography on here about the issues. But I have a teacher in school who read some o my poems and she helped me get counciling and I am very grateful.

I have many disorders that will be mentioned in the story and everything else. When most people don't start developing memories I was and some of these disorders are caused by those memories.

My language arts teacher is amazing me and her get along great. She is one of my favorite teachers. She also loves my stories I write and m poetry. To say the least me and her have only known each other for about three months and we get along great already.

But because of my counciling I won't be on here much. Maybe once in a while but not much. If I am it will probably be a small update. I have needed this help for awhile and I never really wanted to make my mother worry so I never told her.

I am just happy because the comments I get daily put a smile on my face and make me forget everything for a good hour and I have one of the happiest hours ever. I smile.

I am just so grateful to all of you wonderful people. You guys make me happy even when I get some of the craziest thoughts in my head. So I thank you all so much.

I hope you all have a fantastic day.

~Yoriko 😌😀

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