In class triggers

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Okay, Ethan and I are not dating.

We haven't even kissed for heaven's sake, and he hasn't mentioned it!

But he has been holding my hand, and he has been complimenting me lately.

People couldn't believe that he spoke. Even our English teacher was surprised. People assumed that he was mute but now, they try to create conversation with him; especially the other girls.

Although he doesn't speak to anyone else but me, the doctors, and Mrs.Carrol; he won't speak to any else but us which makes others irritated when they try to strike up a conversation and he doesn't reply.

And it's been a few days since the almost kiss and I can't stop replaying it in my head, and every time I look at his lips, my heart skips a beat.

"I can't believe that the kid actually talks!" Penelope gushed at us. "And to you! You guys are so cute, and the fact that you're the one he talks to makes it twenty times more adorable."

I smiled down at my plate of carrots and cucumber. I mumble a thank you before grabbing a baby carrot and bite it.

I look back up and everyone at the table's mouth drops.

"What?" I asked, swallowing the carrot bite.

4 calories.

'Think about my eyes.' I remember Ethan telling me, and I smile as I ate it, my brain not taking over my body.

"Y-You ate." Michael pointed out, looking at Ivy and back at me.

I nodded.

"She's been having private sessions with Doctor Dolan." Sydney teased next to me, playfully leaning against me, making me move the slightest.

She brought up a hand to her head, looking off to the distance. "Oh Doctor Ethan! Please help me, I need help with.." She paused, looking at me. "..Love." She let out and my friends start laughing.

"Oh ha-ha." I say sarcastically, laughing and blushing myself.

"He's helping you eat again?" Penelope gushed again. "That's it, i'm done with this cuteness, I need to go get some chocolate milk." She said getting up and going back in line.

We all chuckle at her actions.

When the laughter died down, Ivy spoke up.

"Where's the boyfriend anyway?" She asked, taking a bite from her spaghetti.

"Oh, he's not my boyfriend." I explained, looking at my hands.

She gave me a look and rose her eyebrow. "Not yet." She said, holding hands with Michael.

"He has his family therapy session now. I'll see him at our OCD class." I explain, blushing a bit. Every time we talk about him, I feel so special.

The table went quiet and I spoke up.

"Where's Sebastian?" I asked the group, looking around for our missing friend.

Everyone gave each other looks of sadness. My heart drops.

"Did he.." I began but Michael spoke.

"No, his schizophrenia got worse and he got sent to the Russian mental institute." He explained, looking at his girlfriend with sad eyes. "They're trying to cure schizophrenia and he was chosen to be an 'experiment'. I just miss my best friend ya know?"

Ivy gave him a side hug and a kiss on his cheek.

Penelope comes back with her chocolate milk as we all get quiet but Sydney perked up the mood.

To The Boy with Hazel Eyes; e.dWhere stories live. Discover now