Shawn was woken up by the sound of his wife coming through the front door. He had fell alseep on the couch waiting for his wife. He now understood how she had been feeling for about a whole year now. He took a good look at her when she walked in the house. She still looked amazing but her eyes were very red and sitting low as hell.
"I missed you daddy," she said.
She walked over to the couch and straddled him. She smelled just like weed and alcohol. She wasn't drunk but she definitely was high. Shawn rolled his eyes and sucked his teeth, he had never seen his wife like this since her early college days.
"Go to bed Bey,"
"Noooo, I want youuu," she said smiling.
He groaned, she was so sexy and hard to resist but he didn't want to have sex with her when she was like this. Plus, he had no idea what she had been out doing at the club. He knew some of the things he had done while he was out late and if he knew his wife was doing those things he would fall apart.
"C'mon babygirl, let's go to sleep,"
Shawn picked Beyonce up and carried her bridal style to their bedroom. He placed her on the bed and she sighed out. She was feeling so good right now. He helped her slip out of her dress and then he gave her one of his button down shirts to wear. She slipped it on and went to bed and quickly drifted off to sleep.
Hayden woke up and looked at his clock. It was 8:33 a.m. He was shocked that his mommy hadn't came upstairs to wake him up for breakfast yet. Instead of waiting for her he decided to just get up and walk downstairs. The kitchen was empty and his tummy began to growl. So, he grabbed a chair and used it to reach the top of the refrigerator. He grabbed a box of his favorite cereal, Frosted Flakes. Then he used the same chair to get a bowl from the cabinet. Next he opened the fridge and grabbed the milk his mommy always used for him.
"Soy," he said, reading the words on the carton.
"Soy milk," he said.
Remembering how his mommy did for him, he copied what she did. He poured the cereal into the black bowl, then he put the milk in, but not too much, just the way he liked it. He then grabbed a spoon and sat down at his chair that was at the table. It felt so weird to him, eating in pure silence without his mommy. He was used to daddy being gone, but not mommy.
A huge part of him wanted to cry, he hated change. It caused his brain to go into overtime. Once he had finished his bowl of cereal he saw his father come into the kitchen. He looked tired and he had on just a tee shirt and joggers instead of his usual nice fancy clothes.
"Hey big man," his father said to him.
"Hey dad, where is my mommy? She was supposed to wake me up,"
Shawn laughed at his son. It was crazy how attached he was to Beyonce. He thought they would never truly be close. Beyonce loves him but he knows that she detaches herself a bit from him, while Hayden wants her around him all of the time.
"She was tired, but she just woke up, you should go in there and tell her good morning," Shawn said.
"Oh yay!" Hayden yelled.
He got down from his little chair and ran, full speed, to his parents' bedroom. There on their huge bed, was his mommy. She had on a huge shirt and her hair was a mess on top of her head. Never, had he ever seen his mommy look messy. His little body climbed onto the bed and crawled on top of his mom. She had a big smile on her face when she saw him. Hayden kissed her on her forehead.
"Good Morning mommy,"
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