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Rays of sun gently peek through the curtains, warming my sleepy face. Although it got considerably colder, the sun still shines.

Slowly I open my eyes to the bright sunlight, hurting my eyes a little. As I make my way from the bed to get ready, I meet a sunbathed apartment. My apartment.

After brushing my teeth, getting changed, and eating a little, I head out to the bus, as always. Familiar faces greet me, as well as those of freshmen.

Arriving at school, the sky is perfectly blue, the fountains in front shimmering in the sunlight. Today is a nice day....

Suddenly a familiar voice sounds from behind, an arm landing around my shoulder.

"Heyo Y/N!"

Taehyung greets me. I give him an honest smile as we head over to our usual place.

Soon the others arrive too, with Namjoon apparently having broken his alarm clock in his sleep.

TH:"What do you wanna do today? It's just been holidays and we all just got back."

JK:"Lets stalk..err... I mean greet the freshmen!"

Great laughter breaks out, but soon dies off.

Y/N:"But I thought they'd get put into normal classes anyway, since so many others left..."


Surprisingly it's already been a semester since we all came to KISFS, half a year since...I found out...

The bell rings and we all head to our own classes, Yoongi, JHope, Jin and I all together to the same class. Class 1a.

Throughout the last half year, all classes have lost about half their students, either giving up school, or transferring to another. Apparently that's normal. But today we're getting new people, and quite a lot of them too, all transferring from other schools.

This is how it goes here....every end if semester students get the chance to transfer schools if they don't think they can manage. And that happens a lot.

Namjoon once told me that only about 10-15% of students ever make it to their last year and graduate.

But right now I need to focus, it's only my first year here, and I need to make it through this year.

One step at a time...

The four of us enter our class, and of course are welcomed with lots of new faces, if you could even call it 'welcome', they just look like the normal bratty 'high society' Force users you find around every corner.

And I do mean every corner, the time with Bangtan has shown me a lot over the last months.

Sitting down in our row towards the back of the classroom, our homeroom teacher enters. He introduces all the new people to us and vice versa.

JH:"I think we'll have a hard time with them..."

Y/N:"What do you mean?"

YG:"These people look like they'd be troublemakers, especially for your old class Y/N."

Y/N:"I see...."

So I've guessed right. I think I might have a hard time enduring those people. Although I have Force now, I still hate the other Force users that put down Force-less, it's disturbing and aggravating to watch.

YG:"Oioioi Y/N calm down. Your eyes are already getting funky."

Y/N:"Oooops XD. But I do hope these guys don't make a wrong move, sorry Yoongi ^^ "

J:"Whoa why so tense? Come on, I'm sure they're not that bad."


I hear a thud outside, still inside the class just as lunch starts I give a questioning look to Jhope. He just shrugs and we leave to go to our usual spot.

...now remembering that I left my lunch somewhere, I quickly leave to search for it. Dumb me of course, didn't bring money today so if I don't want to starve I better get that food!

Walking towards the building where I have all my classes today, I see a small crowd outside, a bit away from the main flow of students. Loud cheering echoes off the walls.

Trying to ignore it I continue walking past, but that's when I catch a glimpse of Naddi, on the ground, in the middle of the crowd. Laying there. Beaten up. With a few boys still kicking her.

Ok. That's it! As I walk towards the group, I hear Jimin behind me trying to say something, but ignore him anyways.

I make my way through the crowd to get close to Naddi...

"Yah! Stop it!" I shout and kneel down to get Naddi to lean on my shoulder.

"And? Why would we? What cha gonna do about it?"

"Helping a Force-less?! XD You gotta be kidding!"

"Do you really want to know what I'm gonna do about it? You don't, and about 5 of you know exactly why. Now let me go through with her!"

The few guys who knew, got pale faces immediately.

"Not so fast, you! You can't do anything in the first place, we aren't allowed to use Force here anyway." One of them still trying to block my way.

"Trying to be clever? Breaking the rules once or twice doesn't hurt ya know? ^~^ Now. Get. Out. Of. My. Way."

No one moved. So I took a few steps back with Naddi, allowing her to slowly walk by herself, and did my thing, even only for so long to be noticed. They made way immediately XD poor them. Probably been the shock of their life!

"Hey Naddi you okay?"

"Of course I'm not, you think that the blood is ketchup?"

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