I'm in Love With a Monster

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Because it's October, I skipped ahead to this story. I'll go back to the Better Together era after this.

I hope you guys enjoy this one shot.

Happy almost Halloween guys. (I have to post and finish it now or it won't be posted until after Halloween.)

Song: I'm in Love With a Monster
Album: Reflection
Track: 15 (Google Play)
Pairing(s): OT5


Every one hundred years, the one known as Lamp wakes up for two weeks to find their mate. No one knows what this Lamp looks like, just that they wake up. When four girls come across Lamp, they decided to help find Lamp's mate, not knowing the mates are closer than they thought.


Fourteen Sundowns Left

Dinah was getting out of work. All she heard was about this Lamp creature. She was annoyed to say the least.

She didn't care for this Lamp. And who the hell had Lamp as their name? Lamp was probably some weird freak.

She rolled her eyes as she walked to her car, but froze when she saw someone looking inside her car.


The girl quickly turned, her eyes wide. Dinah was taken aback. The girl had dark, long hair. Her eyes bright green. There was something in her eyes that caught her attention. She was wearing dark clothes, black jeans, a black band shirt (the 1975, maybe, Dinah was sure Camila had one) and a black jacket over it.

The girl smiled at her. "Hallo."

"What are you doing to my car?" Dinah asked, narrowing her eyes.

The girl turned to the car. "It's pretty."

Dinah stared, not sure what to say. She turned to her car, it was a piece of crap.

"Okay," Dinah said, a frown on her face.

"Who are you?" the girl asked, frowning at her.

Dinah was surprised.

"Who are you?"

The girl blinked a few times. She grinned. "I'm Lam-Lauren."

"Lauren? Are you sure?"

The girl nodded her head. "I'm Lauren. Who are you?"

Dinah wasn't sure if she give the girl her name. She looked very innocent, but she wasn't sure she could trust her.

"No name? Okay, bye," the girl said, turning away. She walked away.

Dinah said nothing, just watched the girl walk away. She looked around while she walked.



Fourteen Sundowns Left

"People say she's within us," a girl said, catching Ally's attention. She heard the bell from the door go off. She looked over to see a girl walk in. Ally felt captivated by her eyes.

"Hallo," the girl said, looking at Ally. She looked at the name-tag. "Ally."

"Hello, would you like a table inside or outside?"

The girl tilted her head, a frown on her face. "You want me to leave?"

Ally shook her head. "No, I just wanted to sit in here or on those chairs out there?"

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