Returning and Articles

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Harry and Ginny spend around 5 weeks on the island completely carefree.They would wake up after making love the previous night,they would shower together,get dressed then go down for breakfast which was made by the house-elves.They would then go to the beach and sit for sometime then go for a swim,which meant having sex in the water,then they would go back to have lunch and then play a game of chess (Ginny was giving Harry lessons to win and he was already getting better!)then they would spent sometime on the couch,watching t.v,which James had added in the house,then go and train for an hour and then go for dinner,sometimes to the city,Ginny loved to see the starlight reflecting on the water and Harry loved watching her.After dinner they would come back and go to the bedroom to do "things".

After 5 weeks,Harry and Ginny decided to go back but they promised the house-elves that they would come back soon.They caught the airplane just on time and in 12 hours were back on the airport of England.Ginny shadow-stepped them to the Manor,where they were greeted with hugs and kisses.Harry had learned shadow-stepped but could only do short distances. Finally,Abe told them that Amber would come over day-after-tomorrow.Harry and Ginny went up to her bedroom at 10:30.They were changing when Ginny noticed Harry's lack of clothing and shook her head.

"Honestly,Harry,you have so much money and you haven't gone shopping till now?"she asked,indecrously


"That's it we both are going shopping tomorrow"she declared


"No,don't even think about delaying it.Please, Harry,for me"she said and gave him the puppy face that she knew he couldn't resist.He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her petite waist and pulled her close

"Okay"he whispered and she grinned and kissed him.He kissed her back and picked her up.He had grown quite muscular since he started training.Not overly but enough for any girl albeit Ginny to love his body.She wrapped her legs around his waist as he walked down the stairs and towards the bedroom.He gently lay her down on the bed and kissed her and removed his shirt and her shirt.He kissed her jawline and neck and ear and back to her lips.She kissed him back.

-Short time break-

Harry entered Ginny and they both moaned at the wonderful sensation.Harry looked into her eyes hoping they would tell her what he was thinking and they did.

'I love you'

"I love you"he whispered

"And I love you"she whispered back and they fell asleep with Harry's arm wrapped around her waist and she snuggled in his arms.

Next Morning,Harry and Ginny woke up and showered and got dressed and went down for breakfast.Harry and Ginny ate their breakfast and Ginny told Abe that they were going shopping today and would return probably late.Abe said to take the locket and Ginny nodded.Harry and Ginny shadow-stepped to muggle London.They went to U.S Polo first and bought a few shirts then they went to Levi's and bought him a few t-shirts and jeans then they went to have lunch in Starbucks and then continued shopping.At then end they had,well Harry had 16-20 shopping bags.He huffed and dropped them on the ground and looked at Ginny,who laughed at his indignation and took half the bags and they shadow-stepped back home.

They kept the bags up in the room and went down to the living room and saw everyone sitting there.They all looked at her as she came in and her smile left her face as she saw the looks on their faces.

"What happened?"

Emma handed her the daily prophet and Ginny opened the front page and gasped.

                        Youngest Weasley brings Shame to the family?

Percival Weasley,3rd child of Molly and Arthur Weasley,has informed the entire ministry that his sister Ginevra Weasley,seventh child of Molly and Arthur Weasley has had the Mark of Impurity.Yes,the very old mark of impurity.

Molly and Arthur Weasley,who have always loved and cherished their only daughter,had recieved a shock when they found out and had immediately disowned her.She doesn't deserve to be part of a family so loving and caring.

Some inside sources have told us that she had been dating Mr.Potter,the hero of the wizarding world.And he had seemed to be in love with her.He would be so heart-broken when he finds the truth.But do not worry Mr.Potter you deserve much better that her.

Pansy Parkinson says that Ginevra seduced Mr.Potter into dating her so that she could have the Potter fortune,which is a lot.

Another source,Ms.Romilda Vane,who admitted that Mr.Potter proclaimed his love to her suddenly started dating Ginny and crushed her heart.She quotes that now that Harry would find the truth he would come back into her arms.

Cho Chang,Mr.Potter's ex-girlfriend,says that Ginevra was the whore of Hogwarts,who slept with every single boy,who was rich and had money.

So tell me readers,does this disgusting person deserve to have the hero of the wizarding world's heart?Does she deserve to have a family?Does she deserve to even live?The Wizengamot has declared that whoever sees Ginevra can shoot the killing curse on her and they would also get a reward of 100,000,000 galleons and would also not be sent to Azkaban..

Mr.Potter our sympathies are with you and we sincerely hope that you find a worthy and brilliant woman with whom you can spent your life with...

-Rita Skeeter

Ginny dropped the prophet as tears slipped down her cheeks.She ran up the stairs,Harry hot on her heels.

In her bedroom,Ginny sat on the bed and sobbed,her legs tucked in front of her chest.Harry wrapped his arms around her shoulders and she leaned against him and sobbed into his chest.He rocked her back and forth.

"They are right"she choked out

"What?"he asked,confused

"I don't deserve.You deserve someone a lot better than me"she said and sobbed

"No,Gin"he said but she only shook her head and wrapped her arms around his waist clung to him,her face buried in his shoulder and his hands stroking her hair and kissed her head.He rested his chin on her head and rocked her "I love you,Gin.I would still love you if you had every single impure mark on you.I love you however you are and I would love you till I die"he said and she sobbed tightening her grip.He sat there rocking her until he could hear soft snores coming from her.He smiled and brushed her hair from her tear-strained cheeks and wiped the tears tracks,kissed her forehead.He lay her down on the bed and lay down next to her pulling the blanket over them.Ginny snuggled closer to him.He wrapped his arms around her,his love and his life.

Fate smiled at the two of them.After everything they went through they deserved a little happiness.Little did she know,death had other plans.From afar,time saw both their minds and was deciding whether to go with Fate or Death....Boy,did she even imagine that would happen?

A/N:I am so sorry for the late post.I had some family issue.Next Chapter would be posted in sometime this week for sure.I would take some time for me to write all the chapters.Again I am sorrry for the late post.

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