Chapter 9

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I shuddered in Carl's arms as I heard the gates open.

"Let's go." Carl whispered in my ear.

I nodded and he grasped my hand. We began to walk towards the gate when I remembered that Jamie was up in the apartment.

"Carl, I need to go check on Jamie." I said quietly.

" Go. Bring him out here and I'll meet you by the gate." He said and kissed my forehead before we walked in different directions.

Of course this day had to be ruined. Everything has to be turned to shit now that the world is a wasteland. How long do you think it would take before we are erased completely from the Earth?

I walked up the steps to my apartment building and walked in. I live in the apartment on the 3rd floor. Once I got to my door, I opened it and shut it quietly. I didn't want to wake him up like that, he would get scared.

I walked to the bedroom to see the door was shut. But I didn't shut it before I left.

Worried, I tried to open the door but it was locked.

"Jamie, open the door." I asked. No response.

"Jamie, please this isn't funny." I said, starting to bang on the door. Again, I had no response.

I began to ram the door, with almost no luck as it seemed nothing was happening. At last, the door gave in and I was whipped into the room.

He wasn't on the bed. I began to frantically search the room. Under the bed, in the closet, under the desk, in the bathroom but he was no where to be seen.

I twisted my hair through my fingers as I began to hyperventilate. He couldn't have gone far. He's so young, how could he have know what he wad doing or where he was going.

I walked out of the bedroom and searched the other bedroom. Nope, not in there. I checked the other bathroom too. Again, no sight of him.

He wasn't in the living room when I walked in so the only other place he could be is in the kitchen.

I speed walked down the hallway and around the corner, rushing to get to the kitchen. When I walked in there, there was nothing, except a glass cup and a note on the counter.I shook as I picked up the note. I was worried of what I would read. I opened it.

I said you can have him. I didn't say for how long. ~N

I leaned both hands on the counter, crumpling the note in the process.

I grabbed the glass to go put it in the sink but I was so pissed. I threw it into the sink and glass pieces bounced up cutting my face and hands. Blood began to spill out of the wounds. But I didn't care. All I felt was numbness.

I slid to the floor and wrapped my arms around my knees and began to sob. What did I do to deserve this? I knew Negan was playing games but I thought this time would be different. I was so stupid. It's his kid! Of course he's going to have some sort of soft spot for him. But that thought just made me sob even harder.

After 5 minutes of continuous crying, the anger serged back through me. I stood up. My knees were stained with blood and my face was stained with tears. I wiped my face, rubbing away the tears but smearing the blood on my face.

I walked out of the apartment, slamming the door. I also slammed the door once I left the building as I angrily began to walk down the sidewalk.

The gate came into clear view. I saw Carl, who saw me and began to walk towards me. I also saw Negan in Rick's face, and that was all it took to have more tears rush down my face. The anger still masked most of that though.

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