october 5

3 0 0

not a bad day. pretty great.

i think one of my friends doesn't like me that much since i snapped at her but i cant care. i don't have time.

i grinded and made a summary of the objectives of chem and im very proud. i just had to write it all down you know? like it was just floating in my head and freaking me out. but i did it and highlighted and im happy. I can do this. i can do this test tomorrow.

math: we did freaking nothing today. never gonna complain about that tho. tomorrow's mid tri tho. that's crazy to me

english: mooooooore mooooooovies with helllllllllla racist people. it makes me so mad, like it would any smart person

spanish: we kinda reviewed. hopefully the test goes well tomorrow.

health: we're in the computer lab right now and it's freaking 20 degrees in here. my fingers are literally freezing. don't get me wrong im extremely happy we're not doing anything right now. less to do later. but my teacher was at the concert in los vegas. that's so crazy and she almost cried telling us

im the one by dj khaled used to remind me of one group of my friends but now it reminds me of osseo because that was the "song" of homecoming and they're good memories so yeah

i miss royalty skits. i want them back.

so um the original theme for tomorrow's football game was pink out. then yesterday about 3rd hour they (the seniors) rearranged the themes and changed tomorrow to black out. then black out got declined by admin because they think people would make it racist and offensive so they switched it to jersey out. so we left school yesterday and everyone was confused. so today they (admin) officially announced on twitter the theme was jersey out. about an hour later they (admin) tweeted AGAIN saying the head principal, mr lehan, approved the black out (its one of our schools stinking colors come on). so yeah it's pretty much solid it's a black out. my friends bringing me black crocs and im excited. i was gonna have to miss black out because of the confirmation retreat but now im missing denim out. that's ight. i was hype for jersey out too though

i kinda wish i could have to experience of being on a good high school dance team. but we can't have everything we want

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