Chapter 1 - Section 4

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Geoff pulled the car up to face the left side of the building; before turning to the backseats that held Gavin.  "If anyone questions our lateness and we blame Gav. Agreed?" without waiting for the shocked brit to speak, Michael chuckled deeply and nodded his head "Totally." Gavin gave a loud and heavy sigh before tugging on the black door handle to let himself out.  As he rounded the car his sight shifted to Michael who hung around the front door waiting for Gavin and Geoff to accompany him into the building. After a few minutes the trio wandered into the rather crowded space known to many as the Achievement Hunter office; Jack sat at his desk fiddling with his controllers and various recording devices; while Ray sat in his corner with his forehead pressed against his desk-top and his eyes darting over the game box that rested upon his lap. Geoff cheered a morning greeting only to receive a rather dull and low key response. As Gavin and Michael settled themselves into their buddy-ing desks, the rest of the guys discussed what to film first as their list of ideas was ever growing.

Around half an hour later Ryan stumbled into the room and crawled atop his comfortable, yet incredibly cramped recording region. Following him into the room was Lindsay, brandishing a Team Lads' t-shirt, her bright grin never faltered as she gave the guys a small wave. "Morning fellas.” she cooed before entering the room and planting a small peck on Michael's cheek. Michael turned to face her with a cheesy expression plastered over his light face, before looking downwards with a smirk "Isn't that my shirt?" he asked, even though the answer was clear to him. "Well...--" Lindsay started only to be interrupted by Ray's booming voice "Plot twist! It's my shirt!" with a quick movement Michael spun around and threw a plush version of his Banjo MineCraft skin directly at his darker haired friend.  "Shut up Ray! You fool." He jeered.

"Oh yeah bully the Puerto-Rican! Stop the bullying." Ray retaliated with his usual wide grin; causing the whole office to perk up with a clatter a laughter.

As soon as they set up the equipment the office was alive with shouting, cheering and the occasional squeal from Gavin as they decided upon a GTA Lets Play, considering their audience loved all the ideas the game could sustain. Michael frantically tapped at his controller "My controller is refusing to allow me to leave this damned car!" he yelled pressing every button possible, “Gavin I swear to God... You take that stupid ramp and I'm going to beat you to death!" he cried.

"Nooo! You're in my personal vehicle!" Jack screamed,

"Gavin do you even have the money to pay the repair cost." Ryan chipped in.

"Oh shit! I actually don't!" Gavin squealed, as he made the in game car twist sideways, only for it to slide up the ramp and flip dramatically off joined by the terrified yells of Michael and Gavin. Then within a matter of seconds the car plummeted downwards straight onto the rest of the group's waiting spot; causing the whole office to erupt with a set of differently pitched screams. As the 'wasted' sign appeared on all the screens, Geoff uttered a laughter-ridden "L-L-Let's stop-p-p!"

Their laughter faded as the group of rather childish men saved up their game play captures; Gavin gave a sigh "I'm hungry"

"Hi Hungry, I’m Geoff!" The older guy gave a loud laugh, as the rest of the room groaned. "Geoff...Please. No Dad jokes." Ray whined with a chuckle. Soon after the room grew slightly quiet as they all got on with their individual jobs; although the silence was broken by Gavin crashing through the door; a few pizza boxes stacked within his outreached arms "The food has arrived!" The hyper brit sung in his usual happy tone. He set the pizzas down and grabbed a few slices before returning to eat at his desk; the rest of the guys followed suit. They ate and chatted about random subjects like they did on a regular basis.

"Gavin you're getting pizza grease all over the game boxes! You're such an animal..." Michael shouted before kicking out his foot to trip his friend.  Gavin gave a pouty expression "Sorry Micool." he imitated a child's voice using the fan chosen nickname. "I hate you...'

"Sucks to be you, you go home and he's still there." Ray added.

"Believe me if it wasn't for the large costs I'd be outta there."

"Rude!" Gavin interjected.

"I'm joking asshole." Michael smirked.

A few hours later the achievement Hunter crew had filmed a MineCraft episode as well as finishing up a few odd jobs like editing. Gavin lounged in his chair, leaning backwards and rocking slightly. He was awaiting Michael's presence seems as Gus had offered to drop them off as he passed their apartment. Michael however was visiting Lindsay to say goodbye which always took 'forever' according to Gavin. A few minutes later Gus wandered into the room with a disgusted expression "It smells horrendous in here... And I don't even want to know why."  He grumbled, “Michael still with Lindsay?"

"Affirmative. “Gavin sighed as he was bored of waiting all he wanted to do was plonk down on the sofa with a cold beer.

"Ready? “Michael called from the doorway; his reddy brown curls flopped towards his bright eyes. Gus smiled before beginning "You take so long.  I assume goodbye is a code word for you know what. “He nudged Gavin with his elbow before wandering our of the office door expecting the lads to follow. They soon grabbed their bags and paced quickly towards the older man who was unlocking his car. It was getting late so Michael and Gavin slumped into the cold seats and awaited Gus to return them to their home.

~Aye, I did it. First chapter written and hopefully enjoyed. I want to have a twist in this story so I'm thinking something involving a video game that has strange effects on reality? Let me know what you think in the comments. But please like and share ^^ Cheers.~

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