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Chapter 2

"Who are you"

I question the mystery boy, while I try to cover my bleeding arm. It's hopeless though he has already seen me and besides my attempts to hide it have just made me get blood all over my hands. Great now I not only have been seen doing something majorly horrible in front of this boy, but I also look like I just murdered someone. First impressions are never my strong point.

"I'm Ash, I live up the road. Who are you? I thought the only neighbors for miles where the Arthurs?"

"It's none of your business who I am so can you please just leave!"

"I'm sorry for startling you, but look if there's anyway I could help or something... I'm not exactly sure what I saw, but your bleeding! And that can't be good."

"Just go, okay. Go!"

"Ok I'm s-sorry."

He turns and starts walking away, I wait until I know he is gone and go to work on bandaging my arm. I start to cry because I know that I'm a horrible person and that I'm horrible for what I do. I also know that an attractive boy like him will never like me. Boys don't like girls who cry themselves to sleep, boys don't like girls that have to wear long sleeves, but most of all boys don't like girls that don't like themselves.


"I'm back"

I yell as I enter the house, I hear voices from the dinning room. I walk down the hallway that leads towards the noise and hear Mr.Arthur.

"So you moved from New York that's quite far, what gave you the notion to move to a small town like this?"

"Well with Jim in the army it wasn't really a choice, we go where they send us."

The reply is a woman's voice she sounds old but I can't tell, she also sounds a little to happy for my liking. Her voice reminds me of the cheer captain when she leads a pep rally, like she has no problems in the world, in reality everyone knows her dad is cheating on her mom and that she does speed after lunch on the football field. Yet she still manages to sound like she's got a damn smurf in her brain.

I enter the room and see the Arthurs sitting on the love seat, across from them is a couple probably in there thirties. Sitting in the recliner in between the love seat and the random couple... is Ash, yes the same Ash that just saw me cut.

Well isn't this going to be just peachy.


Hi! Sorry it's been so long but I've had a lot going on and haven't had a lot of free time but I'm going to update again either tomorrow or Sunday so be excited or that!

This chapter was a little thrown together but I think it's really a good look into Zia's personality and how she thinks.

Well I love you all and thank you for reading and voting you honestly don't know what it means to me (,:

Bye •_•

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