part 6

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Jakes pov

So in the morning i went downstairs without a shirt witch was a mistake

Anthony: damn jake who were you with last night cuz your back is cut up bad

Jake: none of your business

Anthony: hows tessa she is probably sore as fuck

Jake: what you mean

Erika: we know you two were having sex its okay then she revealed mine and tessas shirt

I ran upstairs and woke tessa up

Jake: tessa
Tessa: what
Jake: they know
Tessa: what!
Jake:yeah they saw my back and our shirts
Tessa: damn it
Jake: i think we should tell them
Tessa: okay
We went down stairs and we called everybody into the office
Jake: so we have to tell you guys something
Jake & tessa: we are dating
Everyone: duh
They all laugh

2 hours later

Tessa pov

So i went to dance class and jake with me while i was solo dancing jake yelled out "that my girlfriend" and everyone loomed at him weird i felt a little embarrassed but i shook ot off

At the house*

Tessa pov
No one was home or so we thought so me and jake were on the couch we heard noises from Anthony's room we walked in and saw something crazy

Sorry this was short but i was busy today love you guys and i promise it will be longer tomorrow

Shout out to MELIBCCB
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