Current Situation

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Sweat is streaming down my face as I eye my opponent as if he was my last prey to catch from the opposite side of the ring.

I hear people behind me screaming my name as I feel the blood trickling out of my ears and nose.

I get up and shake off the pain. My opponent does the same, for he is in just as much of a situation as I am in. I get into a proper boxing stance, and wait eagerly for the bell to ring.

Blood runs into my eyes as it runs off my forehead along with the sweat. I rub it out of my eyes, and I see my opponent give me a look of triumph.

"You haven't won yet you piece of..." DING DING!!!!

Round 2. He rushes towards me in haste, and I of course dodge the most predicted attack of all time. I swirl around to find him leaning against the ropes. I dare not rush him, for if I do, his next move would be to grab me by the back of the neck with his tired arm.

He turns around, and there is obvious anger in his eyes, which is the number one mistake in boxing. Never lose respect or get angry at your opponent and attack in haste.

I try to piss him off even more and slowly form a smirk on my face. I love the way people think they know all about boxing, when they really don't.

He rushes again, but this time I don't dodge. I instead catch him.

"You think this is street fighting?" I ask just to make his ego break down. "You are nothing but a clumsy street fighter. Go home." Anybody who's anybody in the boxing world knows that a clumsy street fighter won't win any match when they do things out of haste or in anger.

I bring his face down on my knee, and he stumbles back in shock. He falls on his butt, and I stare down on him. The reff calls it, and the 2nd round is over.

I turn around and go back to my side of the ring. "AAAAAAAHHH!!!" I hear behind me. I swirl around and stop him in mid-rush.

"This is a childish and desperate attempt to win something that you obviously won't." I say loud enough so my fans can hear. The crowd screams louder, and my opponent backs off. "Not only that, but it is a good way too embarrass yourself in front of the whole world." I say as I point to a camera that was filming his every move and broadcasting it live.

As much as I wanted to knock him out now, I had to wait or I would be disqualified.

I head back to my side of the ring, and kindly accept a towel and a watterbottle from one of the fans since I refuse to have a coach.

I get up and shake off the previous anger that built up inside of me, and just stare at my opponent to make him angry.

DING DING!!! Round 3

We stare at each other waiting for one of us to make a move. He throws a left hook, and I dodge it. It takes more energy to swing and miss than it does to swing and hit.

Which was my plan. Make him swing and miss, and knock him out when he is not expecting it, or when he is weakest.

He throws a few more hooks and jabs, but I dodge all of them. I look at his feet, and he is obviously using most of his energy to stay up right.

POW POW POW POW!! One jab after another, and he falls down. He lays there with blood running from his forehead and nose. One of his eyes swollen shut. I almost felt bad for the guy.

"Do you forfeit?" I say with my fist raised.

He nods his head yes. I rise to my feet.

"Rule number one, always have respect for your opponent." I say as the reff holds up my right arm, indicating that I won the match.

I step out of the ring, and the fans reach out for me. I give them autographs, selfies, hugs, and high fives.

There was one person though who didn't do anything. He was wearing a black hoodie that hid his face. I stopped for a second and stared at him. My guards behind me pushed me forward before the fans climbed over the barrier. That was the last I saw of him that night.


I dress my wounds, and bandage my swollen knuckles. I can't get that hooded figure out of my mind. If only I could have seen his face.

KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!!! Someone knocks on my door as loud as they can possibly make it.

I open the door, and my friend is standing there.

"Hey girl!!! Congrats! I heard you totally kicked his ass!" She screamed as she crashed into me with a bear hug.

"You could say that." I said while laughing.

Rylee has always supported me ever since 3rd grade. She has been my best friend for a long time. She has recently gotten a job in Florida, so I don't see her as often as I would like too.

"I hurried as fast as possible, and I still missed your match. I am sooooooooooo sorry. Can I make it up to you some how?" She asked almost in tears.

"Well there is one thing. Are you still good at your stalking skills?" I asked. I could honestly care less if she was there to watch the match or not.

"I prefer to call it investigating, but yes. Why?"

"I saw a hooded figure after the match, and I just want to know who it is."

"Someone has a crush" she teasingly sang.

"No! I haven't been in a relationship since high school. Plus, I am trying to avoid relationships right now. I just want to know who he is."

"Ok, but if he turns out to be totally hot, then he is mine."

I roll my eyes. "He's all yours regardless."

"Gimmie two days. I'll find your secret admirer."

"He is not my "secret admirer". And how can you find someone like that in just two days?"

"I have mad ninja investigating skills, and I have some connections." She said while giving me an evil smirk.

"This is why we are both friends." I say as we both laugh.

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