Let me check first

125 3 0

The car pulls up to a huge, futuristic mansion that has a mile long view.

Everybody - WOW

Chloe - Driver, could you possibly help unload their stuff  then take me to the nearest drug store.

Driver - Yes mam certainly.

Brooke - I'll see you in a minute Chloe.

*The drug store*

Pharmacist - Hello, what would you like to purchase

Chloe - Um A pregnancy test please.

Pharmacist - Oh OK.

Five minutes later the pharmacist arrives with a clear blue pregnancy test.

Chloe - Thank you

At the House

Chloe's P.O.V.

Everyone I'm back I screamed. Josh ran straight down the stairs and asked me if I'd got it. Yes I do I said. I ran straight into the bathroom and peed onto the stick. Brooke came into the bathroom and asked me if I was alright.

Chloe - My mom is coming here in two weeks. What am I gonna do?

Brooke - Just stay strong. I'm sure my bro will be a great dad.

Chloe - If I'm pregnant that is.

Chloe screamed piercingly loud. Josh ran into the room.

Josh - Chloe whats wrong

Chloe - iim pregnant.

The ups and downs of spring break - (A dance moms fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now