Too late?/Chp.1

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And shall it begin.

School is officially in session. Clubs have started. Sports have started. My dance has started. And now apparently religion class and church. 

Hi i'm Victoria and i'm 15, turning 16 in a few months. I am Lutheran which is a form of Christianity. If you still don't know what i'm talking about then look it up if you want to. And currently I am being screamed at by my wonderful mother to get up so I can go to church. Yay. Don't get me wrong I love Jesus and God and everything but not as much as I love sleep. If you wake me up while i'm trying to sleep it's a good idea to run for your life. Sleep is like a baby. Very precious but unfortunately it's rude to talk back to your mother so it looks like ill be getting up. I grumble and rip the sheets off of me. Getting hit with a breeze of cold air. I trudge myself over to my closet to pick out an outfit(above). I'm so glad I took a shower last night.

I put on my outfit along with some makeup and shoes. I also did my hair up in a ponytail with curls at the bottom. After i'm done getting ready I have fifteen minutes to spare. So five to eat breakfast and ten to actually get there. 

When I go downstairs I see my mom setting up a bowl of cereal for me as usual every morning. I eat my breakfast and my brother, Kyle, comes downstairs.

"Hey, you ready to go?"He asks

"Yeah, hurry up before were late."

The entire ride there is spent listening to music in complete silence and listening to music. I occasionally go on my phone. When we finally get there i realize were 3 minutes late. That not a lot of time but in my church it is. I sprint through the open double doors not bothering to see if Kyle is following. i turn to the left and keep going straight toward the place of worship. I see a boy about my age about to close the doors when I yell,

"Wait, am I too late?"

He looks at me, a smile appearing on his face.

"Nope, you're right on time."

I smile, quickly thanking him and slipping through the doors. And just to my luck there are no seats available as i scan over all the seats.

"You can come sit with me, there's an empty seat.'

I jump a little not realizing who it is but I recognize it as the cute boy's face from before. I turn around to meet his face.

"yeah that'd be great thanks."

He begins walking so i assume he wants me to follow him. We take a couple turns and squeeze around people until we end up at two empty seats. I thank him again and sit down in one of the seats, grabbing my bible and looking for the page were on. We sit listening to the Gospel for a while Until the cute boy leans over and whispers,

"I'm Justin by the way."

"I'm Victoria."


AHHHGGGGGG IM SO EXCITED FOR A NEW STORY. I promise to do my best as in writing on a daily basis but y'all have to understand that school can get to be very stressful. Thanks LOve ya byee

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