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A/N: UnholyHelbig gave me the setting of the Desert and this is what I came up with..Enjoy! (NSFW)

She was absolutely one hundred percent sure that she could drive from Las Vegas to the Grand Canyon. Hannah had tried to convince her not to, pointing out that it's pure desert between the two locations. Hannah was being the protective friend she always was, but Grace thought it was stupid that her best friend didn't trust her enough to drive only four hours away by herself. She's a grown ass adult, for Christ's sake. Besides, she's driven up to twelve hours before, why would it be an issue to drive a third of that?

Her mother and stepdad were visiting the Grand Canyon so she figured she'd fly to Las Vegas, have a little fun, and then get a rental car to go meet up with them a few days afterwards. She was looking forward to her little road trip in the middle of nowhere. Los Angeles is the worst for driving, it made her hate being in the car, but she loves driving when there is no traffic and a nice scenery to jam to some music to. As cliché as it sounds, she loves it.

Well, she loved it, rather. Until two hours in when the car started making weird noises she'd never heard before. Turning down the radio's volume, she hones in on what the noise could be. She checks the gas meter and it says she's still got three quarters of a tank left.

"You're fucking kidding me."

She curses as the car begins to slow down, completely shutting down a few seconds later. She tries restarting the car several times before finally giving up and slamming her hands down on the dashboard, "Fuck!"

She takes her sunglasses off and throws them in the passenger seat while she puts her head in her hands, nearly crying. She stops for a minute when she sees her cell phone in the corner of her eye. It's facing down in the cup holder and she knows it doesn't have service but she grips it regardless, closing her eyes with the slightest hope within her. She turns it over and opens her eyes to see the words "No Service" in the top left corner. The blonde throws her cell phone in the passenger seat aggressively and puts her head in her hands, letting the tears flow.

"Stupid stupid stupid!" She slams her hands on the wheel.

She's usually not this agitated by things like this but right now, she's in the middle of nowhere with no food, no water, no working car, no cell phone and she makes up her mind that she'll probably die out here.

Grace jumps when she hears a knock on the window next to her. She sees a redheaded woman dressed in jeans, a black t shirt and a black baseball cap looking down at her, motioning for her to roll her window down.

"Jesus Christ, you scared me." Grace says while the window comes down.

"I could tell," the woman laughs, "what happened here?"

"This stupid rental car broke down."

"Ah, I see. You're a tourist then?"

"I'm from LA, yeah," Grace shrugs.

Grace is trying to act calm and collected even though she's so grateful there's someone else here, trying to help it seems. The thought of dying slips from her mind.

"Anyway, I'm Mamrie."

"Grace." She smiles.

"Nice to meet you. I can give you a lift if you need," Mamrie points at her truck that's parked behind the car.

Grace wouldn't normally accept rides from strangers because it's seen as dangerous but she might as well since she'll die if she doesn't accept it. Plus, this woman looks and seems sweet.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 17, 2018 ⏰

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