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Ethan's P.O.V

All i saw was darkness...

All i felt was pain...

The walls were crippling around me...

I heard people call out to me...

But all i heard were blurs...

In this world, You find your soulmate at 16...

I never found them...

It is said that if you don't meet your soulmate at 16, You are a failed experiment.

I feel someone pick me up bridal style and carry me off somewhere,

I look up to see crystal blue eyes looking down at me,

I blacked out,

When i woke up, I was lying on a bed, It had a green eyeball pattern on it,

I looked around to see a boy that looked a bit older then me sitting at a desk editing a video,

"H-Hello?" I call to him, His head whips over to my direction,

I once again get lost in his eyes, They were like pools of the clearest and freshest of waters that i could swim in all day.

"Hello, I'm Sean, But you can call me Jack"

(Please tell me how it is so far! i wanna know what i write is ACTUALLY enjoyed, Thanks! Bye my lovelys!!! <3)

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