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Today was the first day of school for both Evan and I.

We were both going to art school.

Evan was going to the literature department and I was going to the art department.

Evan and I got ready for school and wished each other some luck.

I walked into the school.

Shoot I was starting to feel a bit down again. When Evan was there he acted as my pot and removed my pain.

But now I was on my own.

Gosh I needed to find someone who had a joint around here !

I walked around the school and found my way to my first class.

It was boring!

Afterwards I went out.

I saw a guy smoking a joint.

Gosh I needed a joint!

I went to the guy and snatched the joint from his hands.

I smoked the rest of the guys joint.


" Dude That was kind of my joint!" The guy groaned. I snapped back to reality and noticed that the guy was still there.

I took the joint out of my mouth and gave it back to the dude.

"Sorry " I said emotionless.

" So you smoke weed huh ?" The guy asked me. " Yeah " I sighed " You do too"

The guy looked at me and smiled. " I'm Michael mell !" He said smiling.

" And I'm high " I said snickering smirking at the guy. " Just kidding I'm Connor Murphy!"

" Nice to meet you Connor Murphy " Micheal said smiling

" Nice to meet you too Mikey!" I said smiling.

" Connor there you are!" A familiar voice called out to me. " Evan " I sighed.

" Are You high ?!?" Evan asked. " Evan " I said again.

" Is it getting bad again?!? Connor Talk to me kind of freaking out here!" Evan said freaking out.

" I'm fine Evan I just needed to blow of some steam " I said smiling.

" MICHAEL MELL!" Another voice shouted.

Michael turned around nervously and sighed as he saw a geeky looking boy frowning at him with his arms crossed.

" You told me you wouldn't get high again!" The geeky guy said.

" I'm fine Jeremy!" Michael said frowning at the Jeremy guy.

" Who's that?!?" Evan asked me pointing at Michael.

" This my darling Evan is my new friend Michael MELL who's pot I took " I said smiling.

" Gosh Connor!" Evan groaned.

Evan took the joint from Michael's mouth and smoked it. " Seriously?!?" Mike groaned.

" That's my boy !" I said smiling at Evan.

I went to Evan and kissed him.

Soon we pulled away.

We looked at the two boys next to us who Turned crimson red.

" You guys are cute!" Jeremy said gushing.

" Ugh don't go all mushy on me !" I groaned sweeping Evan off the floor.

I carried him bridal style.

I made my way to the exit. " Ugh you promised we wouldn't cut class In college!" Evan groaned. " Welp I'm way too high to be stuck in a room with two nerds!" I groaned.

We heard a cough from behind us and saw Jeremy and Michael.


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