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Alice:woah we got 1k reads
Eren:woah cool
F and P Levi:cool
Alice:well today I got a surprise
Mini levi:what is it
Alice:and because of that I'm gonna invite people from my childhood who aren't dead
(Portal opens)
Cornelia:wih kita di mana(translation:woah where are we)
Abel:nggak tau(translation:I don't know)
Kristo:saya pikir kita di jepang(translation: I think we're in japan)
Alice:kau benar kristo botak dan penyut(translation:you're right bald and wierd kristo)
Claudia:wih Alice kau ngapain(translation:woah alice what are you doing)
Helbert:tunggu kita di mana(translation: wait where are we)
Alice:di jepang(translation: in japan)
Matthew:we're in japan
Matthew:woah cool
Alice:dan mereka adalah teman teman jepang saya(translation: and here are my japanese friends)hanji,armin,erwin,mikasa,jean,
All of them:hi/hey/sup
Abel:Marco is my brother
Matthew:cool.....sooo hey I'm matthew
Cornelia:I'm cornelia
Abel:I is abel
Kristo:halo I kristo
Claudia:hi claudia jafat malik
Helbert:I helbert
Alice:and still thank you so much for 1k reads be sure to comment and vote byyeeee

the aotjh(attack on titan junior high) reacts to shipsWhere stories live. Discover now