RomanoxReader: Pomodoro

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Okay, just a note before we begin- This whole Hetalia Garden thing might become something I use in the future, seeing as it's a handy plot device. Okay, so: Less cursing from Romano this time around. Really, barely none. It's because he feels pretty comfortable around you, but doesn't want to offend you by screaming expletives.


The leaf was soft and velvety between your fingers. You smiled, and got to your feet, nodding your head approvingly. Whoever planted those Lamb's Ears had done a wonderful job of caring for them.

You breathed deeply, inhaling the scent of fresh earth and clear air. It had been a great idea to construct a rooftop garden here. The countries had something to do when meetings got postponed, and helping each other garden had actually proved to be the best way of improving international relations anybody could have asked for.

A bright spot of red caught your attention. You crossed the garden, carefully stepping over a small plot of golden raspberries, and studied the plants. Luscious tomatoes weighed down their stems, shining slightly in the afternoon sunlight. The plants themselves were a brilliant emerald green. The entire plot was filled with tomatoes- which was odd, as most countries had chosen to cultivate a variety of plants. You dropped to your knees once more to examine the sign in front of it.

"South Italy" it read in large, bold letters. So- this was Romano's. That explains the tomatoes, you thought with a smile.

"Hey! Recedere! Get away from my pomodori!" You turned your head, and were met with the sight of a furious Romano marching towards you. He opened his mouth to shout again, only to freeze about ten feet away from you.

"Ah- ah- (y/n). Oh... I, uh, didn't know it was you."

You smiled at him sheepishly. "Ciao Romano. I'm sorry, I shoudn't have been touching your plants without asking."

He stared at the ground, arms crossed. "No... it's okay. You aren't doing anything wrong. I was worried you mgith be that pazzo Hungary. I think she's been taking my tomatoes." For a few seconds, you stared at him in confusion.

Then you pointed to yourself. "I look like Hungary?" you asked, slightly stunned. You really didn't look much like her at all... did you?

"No! No!" Romano exclaimed, waving his arms in the air. "I didn't mean that! I just wasn't paying attention! I don't think you look like that spaventosa tomato-thief at all, you're much more-" he cut himself of with a sharp intake of breath.

"What?" you questioned, struggling to piece together what he had said through the frantic speed, volume, and accent of his words.

He refused to meet your eye, but it looked as though he might be blushing. "Niente. It's nothing."

"Okay..." you slowly replied, still slightly baffled. You searched for a topic to get the conversation back on track. "These tomatoes really are beautiful," you offered, turning to look at them.

"Si," he said, more quietly than you were used to hearing Romano speak. "Bellissima."

"Could I try one?" you continued, greatful that you had managed to dodge away from an awkward situation.

Romano remained silent for a long moment. "Ah- si. All right."

You crouched down, and gently plucked a red fruit from one of the plant's branches. As you straightened, you brought it to your mouth and bit into it. Your eyes grew wide, and you whirled around to face Romano.

"This," you stated, mouth still half full, lips coated with juice, "is the best tomato I have ever tasted. Heaven in my mouth. This is so amazing."

Romano stepped forward, so that he stood right in front of you. You felt your face heat up slightly at his proximity. Before you knew what was happening, his mouth was on yours. His lips were surprisingly soft, and you found yourself leaning into the kiss, only for him to pull back.

He swiped his tongue around his lips. "Hm," he hummed, "you're right. That is a good tomato."


Oh, Romano! This was a bit shorter than most of the fics in here, because I felt like I was taking forever trying to find time to just sit down and write (school... ), and I wanted to make sure it was up today. Hope you liked it! On to the translations-

Pomodoro: Tomato

Recedere: Back off

Pomodori: Tomatoes

Ciao: Hello

Pazzo: Lunatic

Spaventosa: Scary

Niente: Nothing

Si: Yes

Bellissima: Beautiful

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