•S E I S•

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"When your awaited presence came, I became a statue,your inner and outer beauty was a one and only that could paralyze me....No one among the thousands of souls could me make me feel like this,So I beg you and the divinity,Please Remember"

The reaper pouted his lips like a fish as he finished reading through the handwritten poem which was in Chinese characters,it was a given to most reapers to read Mandarin since his kind usually received their messages in that language.

The old paper he read was placed on the coffee table besides the sofa before the reaper grabbed it,a sleeping Jungkook accompanied the poem with evident dried tear stains in his cheek.

"What's up with him?"The grim reaper scratched his head confusedly eyeing the goblin,his body curled in a blanket like a child who stubbornly insisted to sleep in the couch but the great god looked very depressing in the state he was.

"JiEunTak...."Jungkook slurred while stirring to get comfortable in the couch making the reaper flinch away not forgetting to place he poem back.

Jungkook's body weight did not balance on the edge of the couch resulting his body to roll off the small and land hard on the tiled cold floor right infront of the reaper who turned wide eyed.

"Ahhhh My back"He groaned.

The reaper clumsily ran away from the scene expecting to succeed but the Goblin threw a book infront of him making him freeze and turn his head to the Goblin who was pointing at him.

"It was you right?"

"W-What no!I-I have no Idea what you're talking about!"The reaper tried to play it off cool but the Goblin appeared right in front of him crossing his arms wanting the truth.

"Tell me...Now"He demanded with that strong aurora which made the reaper become petite in the Goblin's presence,he indeed had an aurora like any other deity he had ever met.

"Yeah,Okay It was me"The reaper raised his hands surrendering to Jungkook who gave him a flat smile,the next you knew the reaper had a fancy headwear making him look ridiculous.

"That black hat is too vulgar this fits better you Ahjjuma......Hmph that should make you learn"Jungkook let out a laugh leaving as the surroundings of The reaper became frozen in anger.

"I will have my revenge....Goblin"


"She won't help you"

"I can try!"

"All of us have tried young man,What makes you think she'll pay attention to you huh?"The old lady tched as the young ghost pouted.

"I-I'll get her attention, you just watch!"The male huffed and faded away from the group of ghost who just laughed at him.

He took himself to a street where people who were still alive passed through him,he extended his pale arm seeing his veins but hated not being able to feel his heartbeat,it was something wonderful as he could remember but it was gone.He hated being dead but he couldn't leave the mortal world due to him not knowing how he died so he knew one person who could see him and help him, he was willing to do anything just so that The Goblin's Bride would pay attention to him.

At the same time HeeJi looked at her self in the mirror one last time before stepping out,she made sure her scarf covered the love bites Yoongi had left last night,they ended up not doing anything due to HeeJi's request,she could tell Yoongi was quite mad with her before he left for work in the morning.

"Should I have let him?"HeeJi bit her lip feeling guilty and looked down with her eyes becoming watery but pinched her eyes not wanting to mess up her light makeup.

A huge deep breath always gave her a sense a relief so she did that then headed out,like every single day she wandered the streets just to entertain herself since she didn't find it quite exciting to be in her home anymore.

It was quite challenging due to the ghosts but she still managed to get through the day by ignoring them.

"Where should I go today?"HeeJi asked herself as she walked looking down the gray concrete which trailed on her neighborhood but she stopped walking as she saw bare feet all of a sudden making her furrow her eyebrows.

Her eyes looked up to see a quite familiar male look at the house that was near.

"Excuse me?"HeeJi spoke as the male flinched.

"Oh my you scared me"He clutched his shirt laughing it off but then turned wide eyed as he realized that she could actually see him,HeeJi smiled apologizing and the boy now smiled back.

"May I ask why you're barefoot?"HeeJi curiously asked as the male looked down to his feet wiggling his toes,he himself didn't even realize he was barefoot.

"Oh I was In my house but I came for the mail!"He chuckled opening the green mailbox.

"I believe I've seen you around before"HeeJi said as the male nodded pretending to read the mail.

"I have a habit of running to bus,you perhaps saw me running"He chuckled.

"Oh....but isn't today Monday?Shouldn't you be in college?"

The male tensed not wanting to blow up his cover,he relaxed himself and smiled."I'm taking a day off today"

"Oh ok....Well if it isn't too much may I ask where the nearest Arcade is?"HeeJi randomly asked as the male became puzzled at the sudden question.

"Oh well I know this place that is around Seoul Plaza in the left side right around The MiniSo,It's kind of hiding there"

"Oh...."HeeJi wasn't exactly great with directions so she was quite confused,Hoseok chuckled at her puzzled look.

"I can take you if you'd like"


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