Chapter Three

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I suppose it was because she was pretty that I wanted to tease her. The way she walked was all too sexy. But I also wanted to hurt her, not physically, no, I couldn't describe the feeling.

I watched as she continued to walk before me, watched as she turned a corner. Surprisingly she whipped around and stared at me. Because of my unnatural reflexes I decided to collide into her, so that I seemed more human.

"What do you want?" She practically screamed. I couldn't help but get excited.

"You." I replied. Her expression changed from one of rage to extreme confusion, it was all just too funny. I wonder how she'd treat me if I were in my clown form, not the boy called Ian...

"What the fuck does that mean? You know what?..." She said before walking away. I panicked so I ran after her. "Let me express myself in a clearer way. I'm Ian, the transfer student. I was just wondering if you were interested in accompanying me to watch a movie, or something on the weekend?" I asked her, allowing my mouth to speak before considering.

"Um..." She says, trying to look at my face. Oh, she was afraid because she couldn't see me. Ian's stupid hoodies. No wonder he can't get a girlfriend.

I pulled the hoodie off to reveal Ian's face. She looked at me, stunned slightly and I couldn't blame her. Ian's face was like that of a model. He had sharp cheekbones and perfectly sculpted lips. His eyes were large and blue with a nose so well proportioned that he looked too doll like to be real.

"What movie?" She asked, and I suppose that's what it really came down to in the end. It all came down to the way one looked, how hot or beautiful they were so that their partners could gossip about them and so on.

"Whichever one you like." Right answer because before I know it she's magically writing down her phone number on a piece of paper that came out of thin air.

"Call me Friday night and we'll discuss the times and movies for Saturday?" She says, smiling at me slightly and that was when I felt an ache in my heart. Not Ian's but mine. This girl was making something inside of me boil, like a witches spell she was taking me under control and I did not like that.

Not one bit.

But when she smiles at me like that I couldn't even imagine biting her arm off, couldn't see myself hurting the smallest of hairs on her.

Oh, what have I done?

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