the experiment

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it begins...

"Sir," a small squinty eyed man says,"it is ready." The burly man; the Captain; looks down from the loft railing at the weak ant-like man. An evil grin spreading over his scarred face. "Good.", The Captain answers. Looking up at the map before him he orders, "Wake them up."

John____Chapter 1

"John Phillip Mox", i say looking at the file again, before i lay it on the floor. I woke up here. in this room- or whatever this is. It is about 5 feet by 5 feet and at least 9 and a half feet tall. when I woke up i found the file that has the name: John Phillip Mox written on it. The file sayes I am John Phillip Mox, that I am 17 years old born on July 9, that I am 6'10" tall and weigh 155pounds. There are two photos attached to the file. One is of me i presume. The oher is of a girl; about my age, she has long brown hair, her eyes are green-ish-blue with bits of  grey and gold, she has crooked teeth, she is tall and skinny. but over all she is beautiful. "I wonder what her name is..." i think out loud.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2014 ⏰

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