Chapter 3

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I glance over towards where my parents lie, in an eternal sleep. I shrug off my tears and carry on walking. Trek was many paces in front of me but he was only trying to protect me from any danger. He didn't want to lose me like everything else he has ever had. A group of wolves passed us when we walked. Now that Trek has his large teeth, he can finally be bold and fearsome. They attempted to kill me but all that Trek had to do was just snarl and that had the ability to frighten them away.

I finally caught up with him. His eyes were part open, part closed. I never took the time to notice that his eyes had no colour. His eyes were filled with what looked like stars. Once I noticed, they changed to a dark green. He was looking at me. I felt uneasy. I began walking a little nervously.
"Trek, how do your eyes change colour?" I felt very bad for asking such a personal question.
"I wasn't actually born with it. My parents called it lucky when I was a lot younger. I now know that is not the case."

"How do you mean? How is it unlucky?" I felt even worse. I was asking about his past and his past is very delicate.
"My eyes are a curse. Once, the animal that called my parents led me down to a stream. He told me to look up, straight to the stars. Being me, I saw the good in him and stared up. He said there was a huge star. The star that he told me to look at was actually the sun. My eyes began to burn, starting with the coloured bit leaving me partly blinded." Trek started shaking.

I had no idea that this happened but he had failed to tell me this.
"There it is!" Trek ran in front of me. In front of me was the stream that he said about. That he did mention. Down at the water, the light twinkled on the waves and ripples of water as they elegantly slid past us. The side of the stream was completely filled with sand dunes. He mentioned that there was a shelter and a stream but this is far more than I expected. This is more like paradise. Trek made it sound underrated and small.

We both walked past large trees covered in leaves and branches as long as the stream. The shelter was a cave with two straw baskets.
"Did you make these Trek?" I asked.
"I once lived here. I made two baskets so that if I moved back here and someone came with me we could both sleep." Trek was so innocent and was very relaxed about everything. There were no birds squeaking too loudly, no cloves trying to kill us and no other animals threatening our existence. I can't help but think about my parents.
"Have I made you proud mum?"

"Gray, come on. Speed up and run into the water. I turned around from the cave and began to run as fast as I could. Trek was cheering me on. Although I am very small and haven't got the longest legs I still moved as fast as I could. When my feet reached the water I felt a scale filled hand reach out and grab on to the bottom of my leg. The hand swept me off my feet completely. I was now sitting in the water. He hand let go and out of the water came quite a surprise.

In the water with me was a beautiful merfish. She was very timid but she stood before me, her seaweed coloured hair flowing in the wind not too elegantly. She began to giggle.
"I'm sorry. Did I scare you?" Her voice was as soft as the sand I sat on.
"Yeah, I was not expecting that." I looked at her. She pulled her hair backwards but the wind still caught it and it hit off of her face.
"My name is Coral and I'm a merfish."
"A merfish?" I thought to myself what in the world would a merfish be?

Coral is a nice name. She had a tail instead of legs but she told us that she could somehow remove her tail and instead have legs. She explained the process of how it happens but I didn't understand lots of it. I kept nodding along to be polite. She was the most beautiful animal that I had ever seen. She looked as I had always been told that a human looks like but she was a merfish. I didn't understand why everyone hates humans and most people hate sea creatures. I think that Coral is now my best friend.

It was nearing dusk so I said goodnight to Coral. She was looking at me strangely.
"I've never met a dodo. Your the first one I've met. I have to say you must be one of the cutest animals that I've ever met. Your little feathers are so small and your friend over there his fur is so long. I trust hat you have never met a merfish either. This is a new opportunity for both of us. I don't think your friend over there trusts me. Can we all try to get along? I hate negativity. Please?"
"Of course."

I wish her a good sleep and walk over to the cave. She swam down to the bottom of the stream to her home.
"Trek, could you try and get along with Coral? I know you didn't speak to her much today but I thought tomorrow we could all have a good time? Also I want to learn to swim because you never know  when something terrible might happen."
"Ok. I'll talk to her more tomorrow. Are you happy now?" I smiled back at him.
"Thank you. Sleep well and I'll see you in the morning." We both fell asleep.

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