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 Emmeline Taylor and Patrick Watson knew each other since they were little, they were neighbours. As they grew older, they realised that both of them had more than platonic feelings towards each other, so at the age of nearly 15 they started going out. They grew even closer and recognised their feelings as mutual love. What they didn't know  then is that by expressing their love towards each other,  their lifes were going to change forever as they were going to be teen parents.

 When Emmeline found out, she was with her twin sister, Ariella, who was also her and Patrick's best friend and patner in crime since they were little. She was the one to comfort Emmeline and convince her to tell Patrick as soon as possible. She also went to the Watsons' house with her to support both of her best friends.

 Turns out that Ptarick was shocked, which isn't surprising at all, as well as quite happy once the shock rubbed off. Through his tears he managed to tell Emmeline that he will support her and their child, that they'll stay together and raise their family in a happy home, full of love and laughter.

 Telling their parents was worse. They didn't expect them to be pleased but at least to support them however it seemed as if that was too much to hope for. The Taylors all gathered at their house where the expecting mother told them the news.

 Both Isabelle and David Taylor felt disgusted by their children's acts at such young age, they didn't want the child to be born, they wanted it killed and for Emmeline and Patrick to never see each other again.

 Emmeline was hurt by her parents' words, by their hatred towards her, her boyfriend, who she thought was the one for her, as well as their unborn child, who will be their first grandchild. She disagreed with their wishes and toghther with Ariella, who was disgusted by her parents' treatment towards her pregnant twin sister, they packed their belongings and left the place they once called home with the two people that they now cosidered strangers sitting inside as i their only chidren didn't just leave to never come back again.

 Patrick's parents weren't any better, in fact, both Lauren and Martin Watson forced their youngest son to leave and never return as they were ashamed of him and didn't want a son like him to ruin their seemingly good reputation in Abingdon, which is where they lived. They still had their older son, Henry, who was always the better one for them, always perfect in their eyes, but a monster in everyone else's.

 Patrick however was more than happy to escape the constant scalding, punishments and the hours of listening of how Henry was better than him and how they didn't like the way he dressed, talked, behaved, everything, even that he was friends with Emmeline and Ariella. Whatever he did was always seen as wrong in their eyes. Patrick left what he used to call home that day too.

 The trio of best friends met up at the local park here they sat down under their favourite tree and discussed their current situation as well as their plans for the future. They decided to send a letter to the girls' aunt Sierra and uncle John, who were very loving people and always helped them whenever they needed it. They asked them if the three of them could stay at their house for some time. The girls knew that their fathers younger brother and his wife wouldn't say no to them as the same happened to them when they were teenagers too so they will understand,

 They didn't have anywhere to go so after a lot of thinking, their ony option was going to their friend, Alice Smith, who was four years older than them and always helped them out at school.

 Once they went to her house, she agreed to let them stay for a few days, until the girls' aunt replied. They explained their situation to her and she wanted to help as she considered all three of them her younger siblings. She also told them to keep in contact with her and that she is going to miss them a lot.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2014 ⏰

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