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Elena's POV

My name is Elena Marie Parker. I was just an ordinary girl with an ordinary life. I was around 5'5 foot with long straight brown hair and chocolate brown eyes, and I am eighteen years old with a bright future ahead of me. I was one of the most prettiest girls in school according to my friend Mary Jane. I disagree though; she is quite a beauty herself.
My best friend Mary Jane Watson who was dating Flash Thompson, the biggest bully ever, I did not know what she saw in him. I could tell her anything well almost anything. She moved next door to us when we were children and I have been her best friend since then. My brother doesn't really talk to her much, but he is in love with her, but won't ask her out.
My boyfriend Chad Bennett who was best friends with Flash. I had been dating him for a couple months, but after that, I didn't really feel a connection with him. When I was with Chad all I could think about was Harry (I will tell you about him later.) and he was always trying to bully my brother like Flash. I have tried to get him out of his habits but I knew the end was coming for us.
My other best friend Harry Osborn and long-time crush. I didn't know that he would turn into Goblin Jnr. I wish I could say that I am not in love with him but I am. I fell for him when I was in tenth grade, I never told my feelings for him because like my brother, he is in love with Mary Jane and I think he sees me as a sister. So I decided to forget my feelings for him and move on, I couldn't wait around forever but other than that we were all best friends.
Lastly, I should tell you about my twin brother Peter. I was born two minutes after him, and when we argue he always uses that against me, the jerk. Me and Peter didn't look the same as each other, he had my father's features. Peter had a lighter shade of brown in his hair and blue eyes. He was always a science geek and had glasses but love him nevertheless.
Everything changed when we went on a science trip and a radioactive spider bit Peter, this is my story...

I do not own this story. Give all the credit to Sarahmichellegellarfan1 for this amazing story on on Google. I love her support with this story that I wanted to put her story on Wattpad. She is such an amazing writer! :)
I hope you like this story. ❤️ Comment, Vote, and Follow me on Wattpad. :) Thank you and see you soon! ❤️
~ allie

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