Chapter One

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“Don't forget - no one else sees the world the way you do, so no one else can tell the stories that you have to tell.” 
― Charles de Lint, the Blue Girl.

Have you ever had that one moment, that moment where you feel like everything in your entire world was crumbling down, and all you could feel was the pain bursting over and over again in your face?

Because that was a feeling that I was all to familiar with. And to say that in my head, sounded awfully terrible.

Two hours ago Magnus has interuppted me and the love of my life on a swing, and told me my sister was gone. Missing, away, and it wasn't the kind of gone I was hoping for. If you were to see me now pacing back and forth in the New York Institute's library, you'd know it wasn't good.

Becca was taken. And I know exactly who took her.

The Shadows of Darkness.

The things that wanted my family the most. That wanted the powers that were inside us.

Why me? Why Becca?

Have I not lost enough? Have I not been affected in the most painful of ways ever since I was just a child?

Suddenly, I noticed the window was open and rose up my hand, a ball of flaming hot fire rising from my palm, and I threw it out the window, landing in the heavy blanket of snow outside that claimed the winter.

I looked down at myself in disbelief. My anger was really uncontrollable at this point. Espacially with my powers.

I needed to find Becca. I needed to be the sister I had to be. I was always the dimesel in distress, but not that was Becca. And for once, I needed to be the one to step up and save her.

And as if on cue, a white small piece of paper flew into the room from the winter breeze outside.

I caught the note and ripped it open, seeing the curly old cursive letters of the Shadows. I read like I've never read before,

Dearest little Autumn (not so little anymore I see),

You must be aware of your wonderful sister Becca gone by now. Needless to say, she's with us.

Oh, and don't worry, she doesn't know a thing. She'll be passed out for the rest of the trip.

I stopped reading for a second. Trip? What trip?

If there was one thing I was positive about the Shadows of Darkness, they didn't like traveling anywhere except for New York. That's where me and Becca always were.

But if they had her now, where were they taking her. I continued reading,

And what trip you may be asking?

Let's just say Romania is a beautiful holiday destination for us Shadows. Werewolves, vampires, gnomes, fairies, even dragons. Maybe even a few Shadowhunters to feed off of.

Care to join? We'll be there in about hm...a day.

Buckle up Bowmaker, this is going to be fun.

Yours in terror,
Shadows of Darkness.

"Want some fun? I'll give you fun Shadows," I said, storming down a flight of stairs to Hunter.

I opened the door to Hunter's room and I saw Hunter stressfully going through some papers.

"Hunter?" I asked, seeing his handsome mess of dark hair and his stressed face. His leaf green eyes that I loved so much rose to look into mine and he rose from his seat and ran a hand through his hair. He then said,

"I can't find anything about Becca. Autumn, I don't know what to do. And I hate it." He said, looking down at the ground, hurt and disappointed to tell me those words.

I walked over to him, and said, "Hunter, love, it's okay. I know where Becca is." Hunter's head rose and he asked, "Who?"

I handed him the paper and gave him time to read. As that time went by, his eyes widened. His cheeks went red with anger and he shook his head.

"I should of known. Of course the Shadows took her." I nodded and went to sit on his bed.

Suddenly, I felt my heart drop. How could I do this? How could I manage this?

Hunter noticed my state and walked over to me, sitting next to me and wrapping his muscular arm around my body, and I fell into his chest. I tried holding back the tears, but I found that the lump in my throat strongly disagreed.

I then whispered, "I can't do this Hunter. I'm a failure. I can't do this alone..." That's when the tears spilled and I held Hunter tighter.

He then said, "And you don't have to do this alone. Autumn your my girlfriend, your my love. And that makes us a immediate team. And in my eyes, your a hero. This is what the Shadows want. To tear you apart until your nothing. Do you really want that?" I looked into his eyes and Hunter wiped the tears away from my eyes, and I said,

"Your right. I can do this. But we need to save her. Starting with getting on a plane." Me and Hunter rose to our feet.

Hunter kissed my head head and whispered, "That's my Autumn." I smiled and kissed him.


Everytime I packed reminded me of when I left Edinburgh whenever I was only twelve. Whenever Mom died and Becca took care of me with Magnus. Those times felt so far away. So long ago.

I looked into my bag. Hair products, toiletries, clothes, my makeup, all the basic nesscadies were in my bag. I looked around the room and spotted my Bowmaker family Stele.

My father gave me the stele of when I died.

But truly, my mother and father were alive. And in hiding.

Stephan would leave to find them with the Clary Fairchild  (his girlfriend) soon. He had no idea I was leaving.

The truth was, he couldn't know. Stephan wouldn't let me go. And I had to this alone. With Hunter and Laim of course.

I stuffed my spare stele and Seraph Blade (plus special dagger) in my bag. I then also put my diary, books, and other things I couldn't live without for a matter of weeks in my bag. Only Razial knew how long I'd be gone. 

I looked at my clock. Eight o'clock. The plane would leave at ten tonight. I'd actually arrive in Romania at three in the afternoon tomorrow. Ugh.

I grabbed my phone and ran outside with my bag, luckily not getting caught.

And as promised, Hunter and Laim waited outside.

"Ready?" I asked them. The boys smirked. The smirk I knew I could trust them with.

"Let's go kick some Shadow ass and get my girlfriend back." Laim said, and I smiled.

Let's get this show on the road.

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